There is many different ways out there to do searches. You have your traditional, rope and so on. Lets just say that your department does not have a TIC. For me it is faster to use the rope method than any other. A big down fall of using rope is cut, burns, and snagging on things.
Now let look at traditional. It is slow but at the sametime you can cover an area of up to 10 feet or more using your tools. See what works for you the best and let me know. I am always up for new ideas to try.

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Hey Isaac. I was always taught to do a search with some kind of hand tool. With the rope are you talking about having it so that you can find your way out? this is something new to me anyway. Can you tell me about the rope being used in the search? That would be great. Am always looking to learn new techniques.
Hey Kimberly. With a rope you hook it on something out side on a engine or something like that. You should carry a piece of rope in your pants that is about 20 feet long. When you get to a door hook the rope from the outside on some thing heavy and then hook your peice of rope on that rope. your partner will stay at the rope that is outside the door but you are still in voice distance from them. I hope you understand what I am saying
I do carry rescue rope for that very important bailout that I hope will never have to happen. Yep, I think I get what your saying. So you have a rope with you that is hooked to something outside the building and then with the other rope, you hook it to the first rope. Is that correct? I am thinking though, what happens if by chance the situation turns to crap and you have to bailout? Just curious. The idea seems pretty good, but you also have the issues that you discussed in the beginning with rope burning. thanks for the response back by the way....
Yes you are correct. Are rope bag on the truck has the other rope of 20 feet in it that you hook off on from the rope out side and i care webbing and a 25 foot peice of rope with me as well. So that is my bail out rope. This idea was first used in new york
I carry rope and use it for searches but the way we do it is my partner stays at the door with the roped clipped to his scba and the other end clipped to mine. Then I'll do quick search
I meant he stays at the door of the room were searching not the outside door
that is what i meant as well
I was trained on this at a fire school in Ky and brought it back to my vollie dept. in Tn. This is the primary way we do searches now its alot faster
Ok, thanks that is an alternative way of searching and a good way to not get lost in a room. It can get confusing when the pressure is on. Thanks for the information, I will definitely take it back to my Deputy Chief. Be Safe....
i dont carry rope i havent seen anybody else on my dept. that does. so do i really need to carry it
YES!! I have always had a 25 foot piece of rope with a caribener on both ends in my bunker pants pocket. Before I used it for searches Its nice to have if you have to bale out a window. It dont wiegh that much or cost much but could save your life.
In the absense of a TIC, we go with the traditional method. We've trained long and hard on it, dating back to the days before the TIC's.

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