you can post some of your favorite fire fighter or fire related quotes here, mine is

"I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut"

if you could supply the author it would be greatly apreciated

EDIT:-10.17.08- non fire fighter quotes are also excepted,
EDIT:11/26/08 dont forget to add me

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I saw this on the back doors of an engine once. " If you can read this then you must be second due"
That was The great one "Steve Mc Queen"
One of my all time favs "It was a real goat rodeo."
When the stick goes up the building's coming down.
"Mice with matches."
you know, you always see on shows the cats in trees, but never once have we been called out for one
haha, wow i love that
My department is very undermanned and another Firefighter told me, "Sometimes less is more..." in regards to the fact that a department with alot of guys but no real firemen is worse off than a house with a few guys who give it all they got every call. It taught me to stop complaining and comparing our house to others and do the best we can with what we got. If we don't have enough firefighters, we can only do what we can do and this also means that we have to get better at all of the jobs that need to take place on scene because we all have to fill the gaps to get the job done.
I don't know to many quotes from movies, but my favorite thing to hear from my house is, "Cancel the Box, we can handle."
i mess with a LT. of a pd around here, hes realyl cool though,
he let me come to his shooting range and shoot a m16,

all cops arent bad =)
hey, they dont HAVE to be fire fighter quotes, if you know of one that isnt and you like then say it here

"an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" -ghandi
The power of words are in their quality not their quantity.

Tell that to the policy/SOP writers. TCSS

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