what do you do to stop a chief that shows up with booze on his breath all the time

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Why dont you talk to him about it. I tell our team, if you have a problem with the department, you talk to me. If you have a problem with me you talk to me. If i cant handle the problem, go to higher powers. If you cant talk to each other about problems you have, how do you operate as a department
Theres No Room in the Fire Service for any firefighters or officers to be intoxicated and they should be released from their position that they hold and taking that one chance to hurt another firefighter. Hughie 57 House
Wait till he drives off from the scene and then call him in for DWI, the cops have to styop him and check it out. If the city cops dont do it use a sheriff or trooper. This way every body in the service is out of the loop.
Perhaps this is a bit late to reply but I recently saw this post. I am not sure that I have a good answer so I will give you my totally unqualified opinion. First of all, I would say don't gossip about it. It is very destructive to the fire family when people begin talking and voicing their opinion before all the facts are known. If it is going to be discussed it should be done in a professional manner. I would say that you should follow your chain of command. Another option is to utilize your EAP if you have that option. As mentioned by another member it could be a medical problem. It could be, as you suspect, an alcohol problem. Regardless it should be addressed immediately. Could you forgive yourself it you had suspected a problem and before taking action a death or injury occurred? Good luck. Stay strong and stay smart.
is your chief appointed or elected by the firefighters. if elected and elections arent coming up soon see if there is anything in your bylaws about an emergency election and vote him out of the chiefs slot. this sounds harsh but id rather a person be put in jail and maybe it is the wake up call he needs. besides if he hits some one on the way to a call and kills or seriously injures some one i would feel guilty knowing i might of some how prevented it. plus the way the world is today if he gets into an accident the family might file a civil suit agaisnt you beacause you were aware of it and didnt do any thing.
I've read all the comments. I hope the right thing will be done for all involved. Just please, be his friend, and find out if he may have a drinking problem, and if he does, see that he gets the help he may need. Don't turn your back on him..
Talk to the nearest cop.
In case some of you haven't noticed, Me has not replied to this thread that he/she started since April 5th.
Now; I have two thoughts as to why: 1) The matter has been resolved (doubtful) and 2) He came on here and FLAMED his chief, which is all's he wanted to do in the first place (more likely).
He may have irrefutable evidence that his charge is true, but I didn't see any. Many replied with thought and candor, but the whole tenor of the thread was to skewer another white hat. And I'm sorry, but I resemble that remark minus the intoxication. I am drawn to discussions where the intent to the poster is to rail on the "order of the white hat" with enthusiasm because they were given a detail that they didn't particularly like, was disciplined for violating department policy, which they agreed to follow when they signed up or simply don't like the chief because they are competent AND confident. That comes out as "god-like" to the untrained eye.
Nope; I'm not going to be sucked in, although I have many thoughts on this subject.
Suffice it to say that: everyone has a right to know their accuser and everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
Amen! I couldn't agree with you more. I did take a differing approach on the course of action to correct the issue via bylaws. If the protocol isn't followed and it becomes a vandetta, I don't want any part of that side show.
the view must be pretty good from the cheap seats guys.if you would read my follow up post in April you would have read where the problem was resolved.For those of you who think i am just after a "White" hat nothing could be further from the truth.as a member of a very close nit dept.I was concerned for my Chief and his family as well as my brothers and sisters on the dept.If you don't like what i did too bad.


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