How could he with no disrespect to 18 19 year old,but training .. and experience how and where at that age... There should be a age cap for this stuff... Is it possible I 'm sure it has happened.. Just wow at the age group for this . maybe start off small..
No quit asking i don't plan on leaving . lol Justin i have seen some young guys get a little rank and so far none of them have been able to do the job . They abused the job and some abused the firefighters .
I just don't see how a person could gain the knowledge, experience, and maturity to properly lead a fire company at that age. I can see a person of that age be a low level company officer, maybe a grooming position for a bump up in a couple of years.
I am 24 and Asst Chief of my Volunteer dept. I have ben a captian since I was 21. But there is no way I would have been ready at 18. I have learned alot since I was 18, and still learning more every day.
I can not believe that he was the best canidate. How do they elect thier chiefs there? If it is done by the general fire department and they elected him then I guess that is what they wanted. If the governing body that controls the fire dept elected him then i would think something is wrong with this picture. Maybe by some chance he may do a very good job. Hope he can handle it and not make any major mistakes and get someone seriously hurt.
I started in the epartment when I was 16 - started gaining experience in an around the department before that by just being down at the station talking with the guys an learning from them. made a hose captain position a 1 year and half later. When i turned 19 I was voted by the department into the 2nd Asst. Chief postion. From there I worked my way up to 1st Asst. then into Chief in 5 years from when I got the 2nd Asst. spot. All this was voted on by the membership of the department.
Seriously? That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. How in the world could an 18 or 19 year old get enough training, experience and maturity to be a Line Officer let alone a Chief Officer? That's crazy talk!
I'm sorry, but are the other members that unqualified or retarded in some way that the only choice for Chief is a kid? No offense to this young Chief, but holy cow!