Made from an Air Pack Cylinder that has "Been Through The Fire"

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Your link is nit working
Not working for me either.
No offense, but why buy one. You can make this yourself for less than $20 if you have a cylinder.
The link is fixed, sorry for the confusion......
Sorry Siren and Brooks, not trying to breach protocol here, Kinda new to the site. I havent actually found the classifieds section so, I posted the lamp here.

I've had a LOT of response from different places that I have put it up, (locally) and wanted to offer it to others away from my local area.

I guess if you have the proper tools to cut the cylinder, drill the valve and rout the base, then yes you could make it yourself, but lots of folks don't. Believe me I don't make a lot of money on these, just offering them to brothers/sisters and pickin up a little bit of cash on the side. Beats payin a landfill to dispose of the cylinders, cause you cant hardly get .02 cents a pound for em at scrap.
Sirens right, this is the wrong spot for a sale. There is no classified section to firefighter nation. Perhaps try ebay?
Well, I think it's kind of a neat idea. I did this with an old brass fire extinguisher and it turned out nice. I may try this with a metal cylinder.

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