Our department recently decided to issue all cubbies (probationary firefighters) bright yellow uniform tee shirts instead of the navy blue shirts. This is to prevent them from wearing them in not so good places in public or letting their friends wear them. For years we have made them wear yellow turn out gear (regular firefighters are black) so that is how the yellow shirts came up.
Yes they have our logos on them...but the back says PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTER instead of CGFD...and they are do damn bright & ugly no one would want to wear them outside the station LOL
I have seen the tan bunkers and Bullard type helmet for probies only then receiving black turnouts and helmet before at one department. Interesting idea on the yellow t-shirts. (Shudder)
My questions in return though are, where were they wandering into before that was "not so good"?
And, are regular members wearing their regular shirts and wandering into said places? That could be a problem all in itself.
Also, I am having trouble with the concept of probationary members letting friends wear their shirts AT ALL. Definitely not a good idea for that probie or the department.
Better straighten them out ;)
Ouch. I still consider myself a rookie, although I'm no longer probationary. I have always worn the same uniform as everyone else.
I was identified as the probie on scene by a second yellow reflective stripe on my helmet. I'm not a big fan of making someone wear a different shirt, simply so they won't wear them in public or lone them to friends (do they actually do that?)... but I am a fan of telling new recruits that with uniforms it's all or nothing. You don't wear a part of it anywhere, you wear the entire thing to work and that's it. It's a respect thing. Maybe some repurcusions for not following simple orders?
Our Probies,get Regular uniforms,and they all get Orange Trapizoids on thier helmets,no matter if they are completely new to the fire service or just new to us,for 6 months.However the New to the Service "guys" keep the stripes and thier Probationary Status until they Complete and Pass FF1.
Yah basically a cubbie ruined it for the rest of them because he traded his shirt to a friend for a video game....the friend wore the shirt out drinking at a local bar.....kicker is friend and cubbie are both under 21....so hence the Chief came out with the new program.
Dan I didnt know Orange was alergic to fire...thanks for the info brother! Now if we could just get Orange trucks...we could sit around and play video games all shift.