Where do yall get yalls from. I have alwase ordered from Galls or OMBPS.com but i found this new place called speed tech lights they have awesome lights great prices and fast service so check em out

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Check out http://www.elightbars.org/bb for a discussion board pertaining to emergency lights and sirens. I wholeheartedly recommend NOT purchasing from Galls's, as it's the 7-11 of the emergency services. they have everything you need, but you pay out the ass for it. Research the products you want, then shop around. You're BOUND to get a better deal.

And since they rebrand products to their name, the items they call a Galls' exclusive can often be found at other stores, just under another name.
I buy most of my lights from sirennet.com, lshlights.com these have the best prices on whelen led lights.
We aren't allowed to have any type of lights in our p.o.v.'s either. All we are allowed to run is our factory four-way flashers. Also we are told that we shouldn't speed either. Well we don't run the lights, but when a call comes in that can justify it, we are gonna do what we got to do to get there quickly but safely. And most cops won't mess with you if they know you are a firefighter on your way to a call and your driving isn't wreckless.
My department buys the lights and sirens from galls(i don't pay for it so i don't care about the cost). Here in NE we can use red and/or blue lights, even wig-wags. right now i just have a Code 3 420 on my car and it works pretty good. As far as speed, its not supposed to be more than 10 over(like that really happens) but as long as your not driving like a complete idiot no one really ever says anything
My departments Chief Engineer has his own company. E.V.O.- Emergency Vehicle Outfitters, we purchase our equipment for POV's and Station from his company for wholesale prices. He outfits police and ems also so he knows the state laws for each vehicle he equips.
Unfortunely the county where I volunteer does not allow us to put lights in our POV unless you are a chief officer. But I suspect that if we could some people would abuse it.
Looking for a Whelen Liberty edge LED light bar and a great price, for my 2001 crown vic. NO BLUE. Any ideas on where
I have always bought my lights/sirens through sirennet.com. Its a great website, and is vary user friendly. the site also has videos of most products.
you wernt kidding my mini phantom is smaller adn doesnt look as bright as the stl led my next vehicle might have to be outfitted with all new lights
I found a website that has very bright lights for pretty cheap. Me and several people I know have used them lots of times. Shipping is a little slow, but they are very reasonable prices. http://www.dgemergencylights.com
i have purchaced 3 lighting assemblys from speedtechlights.com and they are inexpensive and very reliable. highly reccommended

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