Well for me I have loved this "business" since i was a youngster. I live a block away from the station so I can rember when the siren went off i'd rush over to the window and watch all the men rush over to the station jump on the trucks and head out!

I was always captivated how when the siren goes off people come from where ever and drop everything to help in most cases people we dont even know!

I have always had this saying "that the you don't pick the job the job picks you!" We are a different breed of people we care when others could careless! It's not always easy but that's why I love it.

Well im done now lets hear why you love the job!

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firefighting is not job or an occupation...its a vocation with all the spirituality implied by that word. More to the point you must be devoted to be a good firefighter. thus VOCATION.
Well for me it started when my Grandfather took me down to his Fire Department in Concord, MA he was and on call fire fighter and he would show me the trucks and take me on some of the calls. Then a new TV show came on called Emergency and I saw that I could be a Fire Fighter and a Paramedic My mother was a nurse Now I could do both save lives both in rescue and and in other calls. During my 27 years in Fire & EMS I have saved some lives and help some come in to this world and I would not trade it for anything in this world.
I was raised in the volunteer setting. My father joined a year before I was born. I was at the firehouse every Wednesday since I can remember washing the trucks playing games with the firefighters. I had some of my best childhood memories at the firehouse.
Adrenaline rush is a biggie, and also it has ran in the family, as far as I know I am a third generation firefighter, maybe goes farther back--will look into it.Grew up at the firehouse watching my father do various jobs, and cant forget bout shooting pool on Sunday afternoons
Consider this if you will,Its not something you choose to do it is more of a calling it chooses you.It is something done from the very core of your being, a passion or obsession if you will.Without this thing we do we just don't feel whole there is just something missing in life.That is why we jump and leave anything we are doing at all hours day or night in any weather.We train the span of a lifetime to perfect our beloved tradition and we do so for the sake of love for our fellow humanbeings and the brotherhood of our sacred profession.It is not for glory or profit it is a selfless act for the sake of preserving life and property.Godbless and Godspeed
It fulfills me.
Well i was almost the same way as buddy..my mom first got me interested when i was five by taking me to Saulston Volunteer all the time.By the time i turned 13 i new every piece of equipment on the trucks.My uncle and stepdad have also gotten me interested my uncle Jamie ham is a captain for new hope volunteer and stepdad a Firefighter for Lucama-Crossroads.And now im continuing the tradition becoming a third generation EMT and second Generation Firefighter
well, i don't do it really for personal glory or anything, cuz round here there isn't any in being a firefighter . actually some think im very stupid to put my life on the line for strangers. I do it because it needs to be done, and i enjoy it. people don't realise what we see or do until they actually man/woman up and decide to give back to the community that harbors us.
I'm just getting started. I have always loved being able to help others. When the oppurtunity came to join, I jumped at it. No looking back just straight ahead!
I grew up around the volunteer fire service, being third generation in the company. The thing that impressed me most was the pride the guys showed in preparing for a parade! Every one they went to, it seemed, They brought back a first place trophey or two. The other reason I joined the ranks was to give back, just a little, to the community I was raised in!
I look great in bunker gear at 3 am, thats why


the smell of smoke from a house fire lingering in my car for days
the rush when I hear my town's tone, and then another, and then another, and then another
an "atta girl" from the flight crew
the tiny faces that light up when they recognize me on the street from last weeks 1st grade fire prevention presentation
holding the hand of a stranger and trying to give them someone to draw strength from
communities like this one
i have alway wanted to be a firefighter.when i was little my mom told me i would always want a fire truck toy.the older i got the more i wanted to be a firefighter.i as a child had a firefighter suit.then when i turned 18 my application was in at my local dept a month ahead of time to get the ball rolling.i have not looked back since and i love it and will be doing the job till the day i die! i also never knew the kind of family i was getting into no matter where i go i can stop by and talk to the people at the fire dept. and im treated like i belong to that dept.its a great fealing to know that we help each other know matter what dept we are with we are all family.ive made so may friends and found that there are more out there like me that always knew that it was in there blood.im a first gen firefighter as im the first one in my family to be come one.i hope that it continues with my future children some day and just keeps going.i love to help people and i get to in there time of need.good or bad outcomes i least i know i did my best to help them.

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