If you could go back 20, 15, 10 years would you still join the fire service if you knew then what you know now? Going through all of the heartache, family time lost, and loss of your brothers/sisters along the way?

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ive been in fire service 17 years with no regrets if it had been there 20 years it seems like i started last week. i would do it for free .
been in the field for almost 29 yrs can't imagine doing anything elasw
Anyone who says no is in the wrong business.
No regrets, Best Job in the World!
Just like firechief911, I have been in the fire service for 17 years and I would do it again.
Ooops that was a one word answer... sorry!
I can't say yes....BUT rather hell yes..!!! The only thing I might do differently is start at a younger age....Sure there were some really bad times...but make a difference just once....yes, just once and it all was worth it...the sweat, the blood, and yes even the tears.....and by the way....I started when I was 17 years old.......I think I can call myself and old school type....my EMT ## has only 4 digits in it.....Don't think there are many of us around still doing it....and proud to say I never accepted a penny for any of it......."Vollies Rule"...Stay safe all....and always keep the faith Paul
In a heart beat, I joined the earliest I could at 19, but the only thing I'd do different would be to go through an academy:)
Are you kidding? I got into the Fire Service at age 27, 14 years ago. If I knew then what I know now, I would have done it way sooner! I never would have married my first wife either...LOL
Not only ya but hell ya.If it wasn't for a car accident,I would have started 27 years ago.I am living my dream.Hope I won't wake up soon as this was what I was working for before the wreck.Be safe and God bless.
I would not change a thing.. I love firefighting..
My husband when we first got married and the pager went off I about drove him into the wall
going by him... Now he just gets out of the way..
My family is first,but my second family is a close second...
Nope Getting older might let a younger grab the pack before me,but if I had to go in I'm ready

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