OK; I take the time to read a blog and I feel that I should respond, only to get hit with a "this comment must be approved".
Here's the deal, bloggers. If you are going to blog, fine. Change your settings to accepts ALL comments. Take the good with the bad just like many of us do. I tried one day to respond THREE times to a young lad who was being critical, I tried to discuss it, but he wouldn't ACCEPT my reply. Apparently, he only wanted ones that agreed with him. Gutless is what it is.
If you are going to put it up, then take the replies, because in the future, if I get a "must be approved", I will immediately delete my reply. I know some of you could give a rat's patoot, whether I reply to you or not, but it matters to ME.
Approving comments to your blog and having the power to delete an entire discussion is almost too much to bear.
Bloggers, my butt.

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Amen, Brother...
Agreed. I think discussion-starters can also lock or close the discussion as well as delete it. Locking should be left up to the moderator(s), IMHO.

By the way, I'm not clear on what the difference is between a blog and a discussion. I've had it in mind that blogs are generally rants, while discussions are topics posted to see what others think about the particular subject. I really am unsure of the difference, can someone clarify this for me?
I can't speak for the other "bloggers", but I use the Blog for posting what I consider op-ed pieces and my Jake and Vinnie series. I was hoping that Dave might give me a little spot on the home page, but its early.
I use the blog when I have an opinion on a subject that runs longer than your "I don't use straight stream because it uses too much water and you can't adjust the pattern"- type issues.
When I blog, in my mind, I am writing an "article" and not a fluff piece.
The reason for my thread on it? Well, some are using it for a diary, some think that they are on match.com (I wouldn't object to this if it was more subtle), some are using it to complain about how they are treated in a discussion, but won't open a discussion on it, some are using it to validate their opinion by controlling the responses and some are using it for the ever popular, "We are heroes; hear us roar" comments.
A "Kristin" wrote a blog on "my ticket to freedom" about testing for a fire department and I wanted to offer her words of encouragement, but got that damned "must be approved". So I tried again. Same thing. I went to her page and left a comment and wouldn't you know it; same thing. So, I will not be responding to anymore of her comments. Ever. Right now, she has 7 comments on that blog and you can't read any of them, because either she hasn't approved them yet or didn't approve them at all. Whatever.
I'm not concerned about responses to my blogs, but I can tell this for sure; if you take the time to read it and comment, you won't get a message saying that your reply "must be approved". That sucks, pure and simple.
Art...I have to second that Amen from LW.
Art, thanks for your explanation of a blog vs. discussion. Makes sense to me.

Just to play devil's advocate, perhaps this member doesn't know that there is a box that must be checked or not, in order to make the comments public? A simple case of an oversight or neglect on the part of the poster. Or the feature is not well marked?

For instance, I just spent ten minutes looking for a way to START a blog of my own and I haven't found it yet. Guess I won't be doing any blogging about not being able to blog. I'll have to resort to my pre-internet means of relieving frustration - throwing the cat against the wall.
Amen................Off to check my settings.
Go to your page and to the right, it says "Add blog". Check your settings. You can allow all comments or the "approved" method. You know my thoughts on that! (wink)
Let me know if you can't get it.
If you can't take the heat......put down the keybaord.
Thanks Art! I THINK I have the settings down now...
speaking of Jake and Vinnie...we're due for another installment soon aren't we?
I agree with you Art. If you are going to post it, then take all the comments that are sent to you.
Me I love hearing what others think...isnt taht the whole point of blogging. You can vent to yourself with a private diary...how much fuun is that.

I sure dont agree with what others think a lot of the time, but come on...people need to grow a pair!

OOPS did I say that...yep, sure did. Too many hours at the station this week...134!

Yall be Safe

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