OK; I take the time to read a blog and I feel that I should respond, only to get hit with a "this comment must be approved".
Here's the deal, bloggers. If you are going to blog, fine. Change your settings to accepts ALL comments. Take the good with the bad just like many of us do. I tried one day to respond THREE times to a young lad who was being critical, I tried to discuss it, but he wouldn't ACCEPT my reply. Apparently, he only wanted ones that agreed with him. Gutless is what it is.
If you are going to put it up, then take the replies, because in the future, if I get a "must be approved", I will immediately delete my reply. I know some of you could give a rat's patoot, whether I reply to you or not, but it matters to ME.
Approving comments to your blog and having the power to delete an entire discussion is almost too much to bear.
Bloggers, my butt.

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Hey; just checked.
Joe's a blogger. Joe's a blogger.
And he LET me comment.
Thanks, Joe.
You're swell.

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