The 2009 version of NFPA 1901is going to mandate chevrons on the rear of apparatus, like they do in Europe. I think it's a great idea who's time has finally come. I'm sure many FF's and civilian's lives will be saved by this. We need to be visible out there. Some F.D's have been doing this for a while, (see the JPG below). What do you think?

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It certainly makes safey the UK or the USA...
I recently saw a Fire Engine with the dots arranged in a chevron pattern on the diamond plate, and I gotta say it didn't look bad at all. I think dots could be a reasonable alternative to full sheet decals or painting, especially on diamond plate!
I heard that if NFPA gets their way it will be mandatory on all new trucks very soon. I think its a great idea. I also agree with amber lights to the rear of an apparatus after reading the studies that motorist are more apt to dirve towards a red flashing light but away from amber lights.
We just took delivery of a new Pierce Velocity Engine, and a new Pierce Tower ladder. Both have the chevrons on the rear. They look drastically different than our other apparatus, but from behind they are way more noticeable. Stay safe!
I feel like chevrons distort the back of the truck and with lights hitting them people won't be able to judge the distance. I'm undecided on whether they work and if I feel this is a good rule.
Dont like it at all. We have lights, overheads flashing different patterns ,reflective trim, reflective stripes all over our gear and then add scene lights all over the place. Where does it end? Pretty soon they will outlaw fires. Too dangerous. Too many people loosing their homes and property. Too dangerous. No more firefighters. Someone wanted to sell lots of reflective material and lobbied the NFPA committee. I am most definitely in favor of protecting our crews. Just think this is getting way out there. Give me a break! Next year it will be something else. Its ugly!
I dont like it at all.
It works very well, look into the idea and invest some time into the research of chevrons and you may think twice about saying no. chevrons have a lot more effect then just being shiny stripes, they save lives. Look at two pictures taken at night, one with and one with out and then tell me if you think they are a worth while investment.
They work, do it. Nuff said.
Great idea. I put it on our latest purchase and it really stands out. I didn't like the fact that we "had" to do it but it's always going to be something.
you are right. every time you turn around it's something else. i think it should be up to the department to do themselves, not make it manditory!
NFPA requires it now. Not a choice. Still say its ugly and someone wanted to sell their products. It will be something else soon.

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