my FD the Little River Vol. Fire Department which is located in western north carolina is expecting a new crew cab pumper/tanker in early to middle 2008 ill keep yall posted on it. it is replacing our 1972 ford american la france engine. so im super excited.

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What is the details of the truck? Who is building it?
Cool! Your gonna love it. Our dept is getting all new Pierce Contenders to replace all our old stuff and they are great!
Do you have a pic of your old La France? I'd like to see it. We had a 70's model for awhile, it was quite unique! I have a pic of our new engine on my pics on my profile.
Enjoy your new one when you get it!
crew cab with scene lights top mounted pump the design on the cab itself is quite different to me lol it has a flat top then drops then flatens out again i dont exactly rember who is building it but i keep you updateed
yeah check out my profile i got a couple pics of it i belive in my photos section.
We have a little River Fd down here in eastern n.carolina as well haha thas awkward
thanks guys we have got to use the new truck Quite a bit since we got it fully operational it has done an awesome job and the entire community and esp. the department is mighty proud of it. and alex what county is that other Little River in? our dept. is about 15 miles from hickory and about 45 minutes from boone nc.
Congrats post a pic if you don't mind
Congrats on the new engine.
AJ, congratulations! drop us some pictures when you get it.
The new rig is beautiful, i love the HME SFO cab and chassis

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