Ok I thought fire trucks were red! I knew some were yellow/green but, now I've seen a blue one. Are there any other colors out there that I still don't know about? The pictures that I've gotten so far are amazing and there is alot of arguements going on about which color is better. Any one want to figure out which one is more popular? LOL

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A fire department near mine was located in what we called the "Irish Hills". Their trucks were white with green accents and a shamrock on the door. They have been consolidated now and I don't know if I can get a picture of an old one or not.
I believe it's Grapeville, Pa that has purple trucks. I couldn't come up with any pics though...sorry!
There are actually alot of different colors, i have seen on different fire department sites. grapeville Pa are purple and white i believe, black with yellow strip, orange and many more.
Real sharp looking rigs, we have a Volvo chassis on our Heavy Rescue.
Well since my Company's Trucks are SAPPHIRE BLUE METAL FLAKE & SILVER METAL FLAKE ,and i've worked at a Fire Apparatus Manufacturing/Repair Facility,an as a fire truck fan in general i have seen Black,Dark Red,Dark Blue,-PURPLE-,PINK,YES P-I-N-K,Orange(painted like the GENERAL LEE! & not)Forest Green,Powder Blue,Red Plad(yes plad),White,Yellow and Black,Red & Silver.The colors are a great way to identify who's coming in and help with accountability at a large incident.As for any other color combos,i'll keep you posted.
P.S. Our Very First Fire Truck was Gray with Gold Leaf Stripeing outlined in blue,and in the coming years we had red or red and white,but in 1986 we got our first Blue AMERICAN LaFRANCE.Now we have our 4th Blue truck a 2006 Farrara.To go with our Sutphen Pumper and our International/Marion Rescue.
I'd love to see pics of them, Firecar380@yahoo.com
my comapnies engines are black on red (like chicago) another company has a greenish yellow engine and ones also purple and our departments new rescue is dark blue
My dept has white fire trucks with a blue stripe, kinda like Ft. worth just without the longhorn on the front. If you take a look at most trucks they fit the name of the city or area. Orange County orange trucks, Grapevine, TX purple fire trucks.
here r some picswww.firefighternation.com%2Fphoto%2Fphoto%2FslideshowFeedForContrib..." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" allowscriptaccess="never">
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OK, I have one for you....recently too an EVOC course and the departments support classes with equiptment needed....one department sent a truck....a big PURPLE....yes, purple truck.....other that that we have the traditional red (#1 color in our area) then there are the YELLOW (Our colors) and a white one.....Purple is the odd one I have seen so far...We have a joke in our area....the other departments tell us we don't have any firetrucks...that firetrucks are red....school busses are yellow....LOL So we counter with "Red trucks get you to the fire...BUT if you want to put it out you call for a YELLOW one."
Yes there are a ton of different colors. Red is not the color of choice anymore and its a crying shame. My department is white, then you have of course the best looking color RED and Black, I have seen the blue ones a little weird. Today fire apparatus can be what ever color that department wants. Crazy i know

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