I thought this'd be a bit different to many other discussions that end in a bitch fight and might generate a bit of interest (And was unusual enough that most responders would not have to face it in their day to day role)....
What if you were in the hot seat on the day and you were confronted with this? (I thought the tunnel would be a good discussion point as I assumed that not many people would be faced with the challenge...)
Every Fire Department and EMS within a reasonable distance.
How many is that and what are they? (Pumpers, Tankers, etc- or whatever you guys call 'em!!)
Lots of AFFF foam.
Are there any environmental considerations to consider before drowning it in foam. Many countries world wide are making fire departments more accountable in relation to the use of foam. From memory, the Buncefield fire in the UK saw no foam applied for 48 hours until they had addressed all the run off issues, had containment, etc
FYI, the day this accident happened, from memory it was really high 30's, possibly low 40's (Celsius) in temperature, which creates issues for evacuees, etc
Sorry, should clarify that Buncefiueld was a refinery, not a tunnel. But the Environmental issues are still needing to be addressed by many countries...
I'm hearing ya', but like many other do-gooders in power, they don't always see the whole picture or from the different perspectives, such as the FF's.