With all the different churches, do you believe that there should be prayer before your Company Meetings get started. Think before you answer, because you have firefighters that do not believe in God. You have others that our jewish and only use the New Testament I believe it is. So do you believe that there should be prayer before the start of a Company Meeting.

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I believe there should be a prayer. Congress starts every session they are in with prayer, and I believe Robert's Rules of Order calls for prayer as well. The prayer does not need to be a Fire and Brimstone prayer or a Sunday sermon prayer. Simply Thanking God for the ability to protect others and asking for His Guidance and Blessing on the meeting, whether it be training, business, or otherwise, is always good. Because He has told us, "Wherever two or more of you are gathered in My Name, I will be there." I may have the exact wording wrong, and I cannot remember the chapter and verse off the top of my head, but the spirit of His words is there. And if you are in our profession long enough, you come to realize that when we go forth to do battle, He is right there with us, because we journey into Hell Itself everytime.
helo, mi name is rodrigo and i live in chile.
iam volunteer in the five company of the granja corp. santiago de chile
in my country the firefighters are totaly volunteer. no money for anything.
and one of the rules of the corp. is not speak about religion in the station.

but always exist the oportunity

good bless you, and sory for my rare english
Yes I believe we should. I am a firefighter in the Fiji Islands. We always pray every 0900hrs and 1900hrs daily. We always seek God's guidance through the day and thanked him when we about to hit the bed.
God bless

Dear Brother Raymond:

Thank you so much for starting this site...what a blessing!! How I longed to share the love of God, gospel message with my firefighter friends! Now I get to do that through my book, "Angel Promises...Remembering the Youngest Firefighter," the book about me, my life and my deep walk with God in avaialble through any bookstore or on-line. I hope you will pass this along so others can be blesed and touched. Thanks! --Karen Lee FitzPatrick, via Katherin, the voice of Karen Lee www.karenleefitzpatrick.com

Dear Rev. Harvey:

I think there should be prayer before company meetings get started, as it sets the tone for acknowledging that we are not too proud to stand for the reality that is Him, even if some don't. When we put Him first, and where two are more are gathered, He is faithful to show up and be in our midst. Feeling His very presence will cause some to believe...as that is a fire and a light that goes beyond words. Real safety in the fire world is wearing the mantle of humilty--not pride, for God protects those that fear him with his mighty angels...until it is their time to stand before him face to face. So for those of us that know Him, let's stand tall and strong in the faith in the presence of those who don't...because maybe one day they will if we are faithful do do our part day by day, in the here and now.--Karen Lee FitzPatrick--"Angel Promises."
on another fact the firefighters under me and my self included pray before every meeting and it puts a calm into the room. now me personaly do beleive we should bring back prayer. when we put God first good thing follow.
Yes i beleave in prayor before fire meetings. my whole dept are christans and mostly baptist but why i feel this way is becase if you dont like it you dont have to pray but I will. If i respect your religion you can respect mine. We are all brothers it dont mater what your religion / colaer / full or part time dont mater we need to respect echother
I agree with crash....and yes, I believe there should be prayer before the meeting
AMEN, BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be in prayer continuously.
yes, there should be prayer before every meeting,but we not only prayer before our meeting but also pray at the conclusion of every meeting.
Our dept. starts every meeting with a prayer. I am glad we do this, it gives meaning to our training sessions.

Hello Lloyd:

Yes, prayer is very important. My aunt and Uncle's house in Paradise, CA. was threatened by fire, and the whole family had to evacuate. They were told that because of where their house was at, that they couldn't get help, and they were on their own.
Through prayer of themselves and members of their church many of the godly people's homes were spared, with the fire buring right up to the doorstep, then stopping there. My Aunt and Uncle's family evacuted on Monday, July 8th. I got on this site and e-mailed a whole bunch of firefighters around Northern California, including Chico and Paradise with kind of an SOS call to see who could go out and check on them and their house. The next morning three fire trucks were there with staff. They sprayed fire retardant around the house and property and bulldozed fireline. By July 10, 2008, the 7 year anniversary of the Thirtymile Fire--their house was safe! Thanks to all guys, gals and angels who reported to "the mission" at 2035 Dean Rd!!--Karen Lee and friends


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