ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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Being burnt out. Like roy yoder said, having such a bad call that you don't love it anymore. Also having to make the decision to leave a brother or sister behind.
Also, getting old or crippled and having to have someone feed, bath, and care for me. Loosing the ability to care for myself.
Going to an MVI and the victem being someone I know really well or a family member
Good one, Dan. That's a fear of mine as well!
responding to a call and finding out it's my wife or one of the kids.
Heights! Period.
been there Dan:( also drowning
Hi T.J. Sounds like fun hey stay safe . Hughie 57 House GO PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!!!!!
Blood and spiders. Yes and I am in the fire service and having a fear of blood. Go figure. I am hoping to get over this fear in time
Well Denise I hope you do get over it, because we are bound to see some blood during our time in the dept.
burning to death.....
And you're a firefighter!?!? Hahaha.

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