ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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Having a MAYDAY and there is no RIT team.
LOL! The Steelers losing the Superbowl!!!
Hearing someone screaming inside of a car fire or structure fire and not being able to get to them.
Been there more than once!!
#1-(already happened) Being first on scene to a full code & it being a family member. (my father in-law, r.i.p.,
#2- Leaving my wife & kids behind if anything happened to me.
I am hoping the more I am around it I will get better. I just pass out at the site of blood but I will get over it. I am bound and determined. I thought of getting hypnotized for it.
this nightmare haunts me!
There are a lot of firefighters afraid of heights yanno
Having to look into the eyes of your friends wife and son to tell them he died at the fire. Still chokes me up.
not being able to save the trapped victim. whether at a 1050 pi or a fire.
not dieing alone. id rather be alone if something bad happens than having a fellow firefighter or victim with me and no chance of coming out.
2) Something happening to me and my kids will not remember me because they are so young. ( 6 and 9 )
faling my crew, or being the reason someone else gets hurt or worse

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