Is it just me or has the commitment of the younger firefighters these days just gone to pot? Now don't get me wrong there are some young guys and gals out there that still go get it but they are a shrinking breed. Out of 20+ applicants to take our last agility test only 5-6 passed the rest just quit because they were tired out. We have a working fire at my volley station and 1 cylinder of air and they are laid out in the yard wipped out and the house is still burning, and one last thing is this, it's all about "me" thing, only looking out for myself instead of whats best for the crew or the dept.

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Same thing seems to be happening all over,in Johannesburg, fire fighting has become a paycheck not a career.
Keep up your attitude towards your Job and you will go far. Started my career at the age of thirty five and took top honours for our training period(old man showed up the youngsters).Have since ended my career as a fire fighter due to uninterested people being recruited into a job and they aren't interested in a career, only the pay and the off time
That is probably why I decided to change careers. I got tired of training new personnel that wanted the glory but didn't know how to recognise the pathway to success.
First thing I want to say here is I'm gonna made a bunch of you mad. But we are setting standards for the new people that the biggest percentage cant meet. We expect these people to come into the service knowing how to fight fire and be prepared for all the challenges that come with it. Lets face some realities here,alot of us came into the service through family on the other hand a bunch of us joined up because it was simply the right thing to do.There were no credit checks or background checks( if there was a bunch would not be where they are today).I'm not saying that we shouldn't do some background but cutting someone because their credit ain't perfect or they had a run in with the law 10 years ago(depending on the offense)this is hurting us,there is not a single one of us perfect. As far as being physically fit I got to agree,pass the CPAT or go home.The written test is another story,I've seen a few of these and some of them a 20 year vet couldn't pass. If we are truly concerned about this proud tradition we cherish so much why not make it a lil bit more accessible to those who are serious about being one of the chosen few.
Wasn't much better in the 70s.Hell man, I still have a long coat and a pair of servess pullups(not in service but as a reminder) We had it good back in the day did we not?
I agree with you on the fact that we as older fighter must pass on what we have learnt over the years, but some of the people that have turned up at the station where i worked were to damn chicken to go into a building fire because they didn't know how to use a BA properly.The station where i had worked lost in the two years prior and up to the date i left 8 fire fighter with at least ten to fifteen years service each. The new lot haven't even got fifteen years service between them all. The other problem we had was that our top bosses,the Directors of EMS were never part of the fire department when political changes were made.
wayne thats it right there political bullshit. if your not a fire fighter stay the hell out of way. how can some one tell us oh you are spending to much but not know why we are buying what were buying .eg new scba masks, new gloves and radios
i've been doin it for a while and i feel theres nothin better than havin flames rolling over your head at three in the morning while your searching for a lost child or roleing outa bed for a three alarm fire in another district my frist live burn was one big ass barn we had some huge flames and i've been hooked ever since as far as how long can i go either till somebody ( higher rank ) yells at me to go to rehab or the flames are completely gone my longest is four and a half bottles.
Its not all of us. in some cases you can count on me more than the older guys. those older guys though will be the first with that "junior" bull shit. Anymore its mostly whackers and girls. I pull my weight. its not just younger ppl either though. You older guys can be just as bad. I have faith though the guys who cant do ti wont stick around.
I've read most of the posts on this topic so far, and there is a theme. It is not that the pups are lazy, but that there are lazy people everywhere in every profession. I've known guys that were seventeen years with theor departments and were still firefighters. They got nowhere by doing little and just getting by. Everyone out there knows someone like this, maybe not a firefighter, but someone. Like all jobs, there are all kinds of folks here, some tend to be lazy, and some tend to be on point, otherwise known as leaders and followers. Not everyone can be a leader, otherwise we are all chiefs and no indians. The real question is, which one will you choose to be, and why?

I have known fire officers that were in it for the title and status, but had no real interest in making thir company the best it could be. On the other hand, I have known firefighters who busted hump to make their company the best. I have known recruits who thought their crap didn't stink, and I have known recruits who learned everything they could from anyone they could. Its all about what you bring to it.

So what is your goal? As you read this, ask yourself that question, and choose which way you are going.
I understand what u are say but im a women or girl whatever u would like to call it and i bust it everytime when im at work i love what i do and can do it better then some of the people in it . I am by far not lazy in anyways i will pull the hose and put of the fire so the girl thing should not come up
The problem is not only them, it's us. We, the senior members and officers, MUST NOT allow complacency at any level. We do this for real and those that don't should be playing somewhere else. When I first started, if I slacked off on a call I answered to the whole house. If I did on a training I got a boot in my ass. If the seniors saw that I was a looser there was no way they would let me remain in thier house. I'll be ready and able to pull you out, and expect the same in return.......By the way, if I find that I can't, you can be sure that I'll die trying. We don't let each other down. It's just that simple.

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