Is it just me or has the commitment of the younger firefighters these days just gone to pot? Now don't get me wrong there are some young guys and gals out there that still go get it but they are a shrinking breed. Out of 20+ applicants to take our last agility test only 5-6 passed the rest just quit because they were tired out. We have a working fire at my volley station and 1 cylinder of air and they are laid out in the yard wipped out and the house is still burning, and one last thing is this, it's all about "me" thing, only looking out for myself instead of whats best for the crew or the dept.

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Thank you Jim you said something that need to be said . We are lettin eachs other down all u can do is to try and if it takes to you go with it if not leave it and say hey that was cool but not for me . I think we give no reason to which we are in this , we say its because of the we love it but true ff knows why we are in this and i think everyone here knows just was im talkin about .
Its the way it calls to us like angles callin us from heaven i know it sounds sick to some but to most it everything . We all can go about the lazy thing but what are we talking about ? We a are lazy to something and i said i was not but i stated to think about it and i am . Cause i dont wanted to speak up and say hey lets do this or whatever . We all need to learn a lot no matter how long u have been in it . I changed how i feel about it caus ei had a boy come to me that has been in the dept 4 a year and said that he was goin to quit cause he was just not gettin any of it so he wanted out , well all this time i just was thinkin he was lazy but i see now that no one has toke the time to show him . So i talked him out of leaven not sayin that all of them are like this, but after that i will help as much as i can . The ones who dont have the heart they will weed themselves out . SO i just want to thank everyone from youngest to oldest in the dept . We all do the best we can and we need to do what we can for the ones comin . we are all family .
Wow, There's a great deal of viterol out there on this topic! Great thread. We must however remember that those who can, must. We have to pick up the standard, (I'm talking about the pennant here), and run with it each time it is dropped. No matter how bad the moment looks for a house, battalion, city or county the next moment will most certainlly look better. There are many dedicated men and women champing at the bit to get the pipe. The problem is that the loosers get all the talk time. Lets get something going to discuss the level of competence comming into the service, rather than the level of incompetence. In my service I have seen and continue to see a high degree of committment in the juniors and probies. Today there seems to be a movement among women in the service that is refreshing. I have 3 active women in my department and am proud to go in with any of them. I would love to know how you al feel about that, and how well the younger guys are doing.
Lisa, That post was completely out of line! It was ego centric and mean spirited too. I read Geloroup rookie's page in full and found nothing that sounds Phony. And anyone who has stared into the eyes of the dragon or felt the heat of its breath against their face is not a phony.

This is the kind of tacky, mean spirited, nasty name calling that makes us all look like a buch of candy assed whiners. Your assertion that rookie doesn't take his firefighting seriously may be true, but that doesn't make him less of a firefighter. If that was the case, then every station that ever played a practical joke on a FF is not serious about their job.

Our job, no matter how much we may love it is just that, a job. Its not like the angels came down and anointed us with myrrh and oil and said that we were to become firefighters. The job found us, not the angels, and it is resumptuous to imply anything otherwise. There are times we all feel like angels, or like we are dancing with angels in the gates of hell, but that is because we LOVE our work. Rookie is probably no different.

Havee you been to Australia? They still have a great work ethic down there, and I'll bet they don't have the kind of trouble we have been talking about, so yes, maybe he did find them, as he says. Americans are the laziest, most obese, and most self absorbed culture on the planet, and we are raising a bunch of whiners in the new generation, people who seem to think they are entitled to something, without having to actually work for it. That has been a recurring theme here, one that many writers have commented on.

So lighten up, take a joke in the spirit of god fun and respect your brothers of the line.
lol well if they are there could u seen some over here you so shilly lol take care man
Well Jim i love what i do and ya some people say women should no been in it but you know people say anything they want i was told that last night and the funny thing is the man that said it is not ever in a fire dept or anything else .Yes it gets me mad but thats what makes me move on with what i got to do. Jim u are one of the few men i would love to be in the fire dept with . I committed to what i do and would want nothing more in this world to show it . thank u , u bring light and hope to something that looks so dark.
Thank You. Thank You, Thank You!!!!

I have been saying the same thing at our department. When I started we were lucky to have 6 air packs, and if you were new you new you may not keep it. Time was what we wanted and our Chief to say the job was OK and not to yell. Today these kids think I, as an 18 year vet, should kiss their feet because they graced the door of the department with their presence. Get over it!!! This is a job, sither Paid or Volunteer, and the perks come with time until then SHUT UP and LEARN.

ps. a paid department in our region was told last year they were no longer able to call recruits "Subs". It was talking down to them... Heaven help us that someone can't take a little. And if there are any probies, Subs, Hacks, whatever reading this take the advice of the old hats and learn and do for the department and the service not for you.
Lisa whats the deal u are the one is phony u act like ur Sh** is good or something take the chip off anytime now Plz. He was just tryin to light things up and u want to make a war out of it . . How dare u try to put that man out like that !! Its women like u that cause us other women in the dept to fight harder . PLAESE CORRECT ME IF I WRONG are u havin that time of the month or something . It would been diff. if he said something mean or hateful some shit but he was tryin to get people to goin . So i think u need to tall that man sorry . O ya and i know u will come back at me and thats ok but no one thing u try to start a war and u will get one . WE are all family . U may of been in it longer them i but i will last longer then u cause i have heart so take ur phony A** somewhere people dont want to hear ur bullshit.
Evidently this discussion is not moderated. Personal attacks should be no more tolerated here than they are at the firehouse! It's a disgrace, I thought this site was to be a good outlet for people in the fire service not some bullshit blog. See Ya.................
Thank u Lisa for apologizing
There is a few thing that i would like to say... I'm currently on a vol fire dept, ive been a member going on 7 years now... and all these comments and relpy's putting down the young guys.... whats with that... bc at my dept... we have approx 30 active members, out of the active members approx 18 are younger guys, and im the oldest out of the younger guys, im 21 years old... and to be honest with you, were i live at, if ur dept doesnt have young guys that want to work and do the job, then more than likely ur not getting out of the door, im also a Lt for my dept, and to be honest with you we currently run a chief, asst chief, captain, and 3 Lt's... well out of 95% of our calls this year i have been the highest ranking officer or another young guy has been... i guess what i can say is its not just the younger generation its also the older generation... bc i would bet that if we talked to the elders when everyone was younger in the fire service then they were saying the same thing everyone today is saying... WERE ALL OUT THERE TO DO THE SAME THING SO WHY KEEP PUTTING DOWN EACH OTHER. And with my dept its the younger guys that wanna train and the older guys that dont, and then the older guys get upset when the younger guys dont want to pack up with them, i mean come on if ur not gunna pack up in training, then im not gunna enter with you... its prob a bad attitude to have but im not going to be in a burning building with someone who wont pack up for fun... just like aprrox 3 to 4 weeks ago, my dept had a barn fire- well sounds simple, but in this barn they had 60-80 round hay bails, and approx 100 square hay bails, on that call our younger guys rolled the first 3 trucks from my dept to scene... and we had 3 trucks o/s with 11 younger guys within 3 mins from alarm... and when we were finally able to return inservice it was 11 hours later, and the younger guys were still workin, like they just got o/s... and the older members were just satnding around when the younger guys were putting the trucks back inservice... im not trying to put down the older members... but in my dept if its not for the young guys they trucks wouldnt be rolling, and that has been statements made by our older members... so everyone just think before you put down this younger generation, Bc were not all the way ur making the younger generation out to be...
Lisa, I have a newfound respect for you in this matter. It took real fortitude to apologize to the whole forum. If you show that kind of fortitude on calls, I would hose jockey with you any time!

Just chalk it up to a bad day.
I don't think anyone is trying to put down the young guys, as I said, the issue is laziness at any age. If your old farts don't meet the grade, shame them into action, but be the example in every case, and be a good one. If the old guys don't catch on, keep doing the job tthe best you can do, and know that you are the guys getting it done for the department.

My message throughout these forums has been to be the best. Train the best, go the extra mile and work like you train, and you will be great at what you do.

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