As a training coordinator, I try to remain responsive to our membership's needs in terms of what type of training seminars they want or need.

I'd like to know....what training classes would you consider a "must attend"....what are the hot topics that aren't being covered in your area (Let's look past FF1, FF2 and Evoc) --is online training the new answer?
Is there a topic that's been "done to death"?

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Joe and Tiger,

Does NY have a NFFF assigned advocate? I teach almost all of them in NH.
Go to the NFFF website and click on the State Advocates.

How about department members learning how to communicate their concerns amd issues to each other?
Actually, we have 4.

We're coordinating our efforts with them.
That's a lot like what we do here at my F.D. Each month we've got a company drill, a multi company drill, an individual study topic w/ quiz, EMT-B topic and Paramedic topic. It's helped out greatly in my opinion. Stay safe!
I have been struggling with similar issues training crews at my department. As a result I developed a training website that allows self-pced training, group training, or individaul sessions. I have created complete Incident Command Simulators, ZVirtual Pump Panel, and LODD 360 reviews. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Lt. Ryan Christen

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