We're beta testing a member rankings system. You'll see it in each member's profile under their primary photo. This may or may not be a long term feature, so we'll see how it goes. It is mostly based on content participation...

Points are based on: Friends, group participation, forum participation, posting blogs, photos, videos, music and events, comments made on your profile and given on others, and invitations sent ... most of this is cumulative to date except invitations only counts new ones. This is all BETA so can't divulge how points are assigned just yet as I'm still toying around with it ... but it isn't a popularity contest -- the number of friends you have carries the LOWEST weighting.

The rankings are:

- Everyone is a FFN Responder to start
- At 1,500 points you become an FFN Pro
- At 2,500 points you become an FFN Veteran
- At 5,000 points you become an FFN Salty Dog
- At 7,500 points you become an FFN 5-Alarm Guru
- At 10,000 points you become an FFN Legend
- And, at 15,000, you're an FFN Superstar (no one is there yet! :)

Stay tuned for more details. This won't be hugely promoted until we see how it goes. I'll probably swap out the icons as well with something more firematic soon.

There's another feature called 'Visitor Radar' which you will see ONLY on your OWN profile -- right at the top above your name. It shows what other members have visited your profile recently. This is VERY MUCH in beta mode and may not stay because I'd like to get feedback if you even want people knowing what profiles you viewed so post away ... :) You won't see what non members viewed your profile which is usually many, many more...


Views: 275

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Dave, I did notice the change and so far I like it and as far as the other feature that is ok with me. I think it would be kind of nice to know who visited my profile. Nice job with the site...

I really like the 'Visitor Radar' feature and the rest sounds like fun.

Kind of a neat way of showing the sites top contributors. I like it.
I think this is a nice touch to an already awesome sight. This just makes it easier to see who is ranking where especially for the new people coming in. Hope this sticks around!
i also have noticed the change and i like it.
Dave, the visitor radar is a great tool and would like to see it stay. Does it just do the time in hours or is it going to show how many days too? And will it just show the last how ever many, a set number of visitors, that have visited your page? Keep up the great work and thanks for making this a great site.
Sounds like 2 great new features. Keep 'em comming!
Dave I like the new stuff Keep up the great Work

just a quick question yesterday had 158 points today 128 whats up with that
Dave readjusted the point system. Number of friends now gets you the fewest points. I like the changes Dave. Yes, the Radar is a good thing too.........I like to know who is checking in on me...Big Brother is always watching.
OK that explains why my points dropped. I can understand that change since it's not a popularity contest. I really like the way this site is shaping up. Keep up the good work!
Of course, I end up being the guy asking questions. First off, I like the radar thing because I've been saying that it would be nice to get some feedback on blog viewership so I can know if what I am saying is timely, readable, etc. I appreciate the feedback from people who ost on the blogs but frankly, it's the same people saying things, so it doesn't give you any idea as to the overall readership. Anyway, I think it's good.

As far as the ranking, however, I like the points, I like the concept, but the ONLY thing that troubles me about it is the relative ease of the "mass posters" getting points for adding content that really doesn't contribute anything to the site (Post 1: "WHAT R U DOIN?". Post 2: "NOTHING". Post 3: "KEWL". Total: 3 posts, none of which has done anything for human-kind).

I guess it's not perfect and I certainly appreciate the objective criteria which shows your contribution (mostly) to the good of this project, so I'd say, don't worry about it and carry on. This is definitely good stuff you have got here.

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