ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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After 911 a fire chief was interviewed and made a statement like this. I used to look down the street and see the towers and the city around me and I LOVED this job. (After losing brothers and citizens to the attack) He said I JUST DON'T LOVE IT NO MORE. Yes I love this job and to have something happen that would take that away is my greatest fear. Wife, children, brothers, decisions, ect.
hi, my biggest fear is being in a burner and hearing a pass alarm going off!!!
Reaching the end of my life and having nothing but a list of failures to show for it.
Not being able to get to someone when they need me!
finding victum and watch them burn and cant help
Career ending injury(s) and unable to support my family.
i fear that line firefighters are better trained than chiefs are...firefighters are told to train-train-train and they do.....but what do the chiefs do?....they aint with the crews most of the time they are training.....they have admin work to do...ok? but hows that helpin him or her command better?

just something i see
keeping my buddies wife company in the sack then he comes home after a long shift and finds us

sorry that was a good post(lol)...i just had to (f.t.m.p.t.b.)
dont be in such a hurry to get yourself startched kid...there will be some that you have to walk away from...the first rule of rescue is "dont become a victim" i had my first NDE (near death expierence) pretty early in my carrear and i can tell you that any firefighter that says they aint scared going in is full of (you know what). a true firefighter be they paid or volunteer is a professional and safeguards himself or herself's and their crew by being well trained and paying attention while inside a fire
lost track of the numbers. some were duplicated, some skipped...how about just an answer ?

believe this or not, fire is my biggest fear. I live in a mobile home and ive seen what fire can do and worst yet, how fast it rips through them. we have family "drills" all of the time and the kids know how important it is to get themselves out fast but..it still keeps me up at night sometimes ,especially when there is a fire right down the street...ugh. sucks.
I've got to agree with Hannah. My worst fear would be losing on of my children and not being able to do anything about it. Stay safe!
There is also a training video out- of a real incident. Warehouse (furniture, I think) in NE where IC sent in two teams of RIT that didn't come back out, and was physically blocking the entrance to keep other guys from going in I think punches were thrown. Cuz anyone more going in wasn't coming out, and enought had already gone. That would haunt me forever. From the living and the deceased.

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