Just wanted to get some honest feed back about how men feel about having women serve as FF. Please be very honest! The reason for this is:
1. I have witnessed society feels women can't do this job- we are to fragile , etc.
2. People think women that work around a bunch of men must be easy or having relations with at least one of the them
3. Sexual harrassment issues arise more often
4. Some men have trouble taking orders from a woman (or vice versa)
These are just a few of the things I have seen or heard about.. Please share y you feel this way

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First of all what a dumb ques.. if you choose to enter into a field where majority are men ,then what do you think.. You have to know your job and perform.. no crying out you can't lift or perform because you are a woman. I think if this would had been a dicussion 20 yrs ago maybe alot of heat on this,but women have been firefighting for years next to men.. No problems.. yes every so often you get one or the other one who wants special treament because she is a women ,or a man how is just a jerk... Thats life.. Know your job and do it well and respect will follow.. Been a firemen for along time.. been in leadership roles... I know my stuff never a problem... On the note of sexual harrassment.. I seen alot of women who have alot to say about a man and how they look in their turnout gear on and off... spend less time worring about this stuff walk away.. It your there to church it up or make it clean.. wellllllll respect should always be there,but the other well you knew it going in.. Think about relationships well it take two so if that women is there to pick up men wellllllllllllll . I have been around alot of men and their wifes don't think nothing of it.. Give them a reason to worry then well who's fault.........
Huh? What? This is still a hot issue?
Whomever can do the job is the one that should be doing it, end of discussion.
As much as this aches me to say, I have seen these above mentioned "issues" amongst just men as well as women. I personally think as long as you do your job,know your sh*t,and keep your mind on the job, what does it matter what gender you are ? This topic is kind of worn out. Perhaps just in my area.
Good luck.
Man i have never seen so many people at odds over one thing. This is almost as bad as the one about vol. and career firefighter. Simply put if a women can do the job than let her do the job. But we all not just women or men but both need to cool it. we see enough bad stuff in the world doing the job. do we realy need to make more.
What does it matter what the sex is as long as they are able to do the job.I have seen some women that I would trust going into a fire before some men I have seen.Why focus on this.Remeber, this is America.It does not matter what sex, race , cread or anything else.Lets move off this and focus on real issues. Like hiring,training and retaining.
Well let me chime in on this one, i am a voly at a small department in the eastern panhandle of WV we currently have females that are in our station and one of the is currently the Dept. Chief and i would put her knowledge and pump skills up against any man available she has been a member for 17 plus years and has shown that she knows her stuff, none of our members have or had any problems taking an order or directive from her and she can bust your ass as good as the next guy.
I am going through this right now. Had fellow officer call me "worthless piece of ****". I am having hard time putting this aside, but when the tone goes off, I know someone needs our help, and thats what I focus on.
Personally I think the Penis thing is hilarious-lol...come on we are adults and know the facts of life by now I hope...lets get over it and just do the job we love to do...if a woman can cut it then so be it-same for a man-if not then....
I worked with the very first paid woman firefighter in the U.S.: Judy Brewer. When Judy was hired by Arlington County, VA. there was a lot of turmoil. Firefighters wives were in a panic. Judy was a professional in every sense of the word, and did every job that the men did. She retired at the rank of Battalion Chief. I also worked with other female career and volunteer firefighters. Some did a great job, others were useless. I must say the same about male career and volunteer firefighters.

I also saw a city lower their hiring standards so that they could hire women. That may have gotten them out of hot water for not hiring women, but it did not do their community a favor by hiring unqualified people. Gender is not the reason firefighters are good or not so good. The only thing that matters is whether you can trust the person you are working with to know their job and be able to do it correctly, safely, and efficiently.

And for those who worry about "normal conversation" offending someone I suggest that you may need to review what your "normal conversation" is and whether it is appropriate anywhere. Maybe the guys find your conversation offensive, but just won't tell you so.

At the end of the day what really matters is whether or not we have done our job to the best of our ability and that everyone gets home safely.
My cheif is a woman, I work under her as a captin, and would put her up agains any man on the job
The more the better
I feel thats there's women that can do it and some who need to get out.......................... but the same goes for guys. I know a lot of guys who need to get out too.

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