"People Die" Firefighters, Rescues and Staffing

The hardest thing to realize about working for the fire department is the fact that people do die. Watch and listen these courageous stories.
Posted February 17, 2009.

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Comment by Jeff Cole on February 17, 2011 at 3:59pm
I take offense to that assumption. Unless you have been on both sides of the battle, that can be a very hurtful statement. No matter how much fact you can present to those who make the financial decissions, the money has to be available, the committment has to be made, and the public has to demand REAL protection. But rarely do they understand what REAL protection is, and what it takes, and costs to be protected.

It's a very real fact that the fire service is facing the most difficult times ever. Regardless of how well educated, trained, and experienced the local firefighting experts are, there are those who make the final decisiions that have little, if any education in what a community really needs. Like anything else in life, it's all down to dollars and cents. We say that we KNOW lives are in danger, (especially our own lives) and we are accussed of scaring the public. When tragedy does happen, we are accused of grand standing and using the information inappropriately.

It's not just the IAFF responsibility. They are not the only firefighter's labor organization. It takes EVERY firefighter organization. Career and volunteer to get the message out about staffing and cost effectiveness. For every one of us who try to educate, there are those who have a greater access to the media, and use skewed statistics to show how we (who have been in this business) are slanting the story for our personal gain. And THEY get the attention!

If the media isn't in our corner, we sunk. THEY have the key to everything, and can pitch a story to bend the truth to what ever will amount to cause the most controversy...becouse that is what sells!

People see 5-bay multi-million dollar stations with a half-million dollar truck behind each door and think either they are protected, or that maybe it's all a big waste of money. What is it? Could be both! Certainly there are those districts and departments that are equipment and facility rich but staffing deficient. In relation to the above video, a half million dollar tower ladder arrives, and problem solved? Not without more butts in the seat! NOT without water, or enough people to raise the ground ladder!

The are those departments that are blessed with equipment, facilities, and an abundance of members. The big problem is, many times those who are the 'haves" don't see, or don't think about the "have not's". If your department is fortunate enough to have all the funding and staff it needs, you're one of the few. The reality is more and more of us are hurting. There is no easy solution. But without TRUE unity, our story will never be told to those who need to listen. Otherwise it's all preaching to the chior. It's only US who are watching these videos and nodding our heads in agreement.

Sorry FETC but it DOES suck to be him. I HAVE been him before. What do you mean "refuse to address the issue to their boss, could cost them their job"? What does YOUR job mean to YOU? Have you, or will you take a stance on an issue that may put you out of work? It's easy to assume that the Chief can just walk into see the "boss" and demand more staffing, or else! Or else WHAT? You want to know what you will be told? "iT'S your JOB to figure out how to respond, staff, and fight fires with what we give you, that's why you are the chief" Oh but I can't do it! I DEMAND more personnel! OK, or else WHAT? Go ahead, take it to the public. Many of them are out of work as it is also. Can't afford any more taxes. You are not getting any more money!

"Oh but people are going to die"!. People die in fires when engines and ladders are fully staffed don't they? There are many major cities that still ride 4 and 5. And people still die there too. Can you dispute that?

Ok, I'm not getting any more money, and can't hire any more firefighters. I tried. Is that the end? Am I now just shrugging my shoulders? I know damn well I DO NOT want to loose my job...do you?

NO fire apparatus should EVER respond with ONE firefighter on the appar
Comment by FETC on February 17, 2011 at 12:51pm
Should the IAFF bare the responsibility alone? No. Most Fire Chief's will watch this video, shrug their shoulders and say sucks to be him.

But refuse to address the issue to "their" boss, could cost them their job.
Comment by HeightsFF on February 15, 2011 at 11:36pm
How about the IAFF buys time slots on all the major networks on tv and has a 30 minute show all about this manpower issue and what its gonna do to public safety cause "Joe Public" has no F'ing idea!! We have to educate the public to prevent the downsizing of FD's!!

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