Footage of a huge 9-alarm fire in a Boston warehouse in Roxbury. We found it accidentally and we were there from the moment the first fire trucks pulled up.
Posted August 22, 2010.

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Comment by Dave on November 13, 2010 at 2:42pm
Jim, District 5 is no longer around and the district has been divided between districts 9, 7 AND 4. believe ladder 7 was second truck in with Ladder 4 being first. i believe the engines are 14,21 and 3, with rescue 2 filling out the box. We knew upon arrival this was an outside job. If igine 12 was in there house at Blue hill ave and dudley they could have walked to the fire.
Comment by Da Chief - Jim O'Neill on August 24, 2010 at 9:28am
Chief Pettaway, District 7 Chief, pretty much knew that this job was going to be an outside firefight and would not allow his men to perform an interior attack. Good thing because as soon as the announcement was made and his crews backed off the wall of the building collapsed right where they would have been fighting the fire. Good job Chief Pettaway.

Way back when I was a youngster growing up in that neighborhood, I lived around the corner on Magazine Street that fire would have been in District 5. Have the District boundaries changed or was Car 5 tied up at another incident? The first due into that box back then would have been Engine 12 and Ladder 4 with a close second of Engine 43 and Ladder 20 and I'm guessing that Engine 3 would have been the third due Engine Company. Three of the 5 companies mentioned, E-12, E-43 and L-20 have been Out of Service for many years now. I'm guessing that E-14 and L-4 were the two first due companies with E-3 second due engine. Toss ups for 3rd due engine would be E-21 or E-24 and 2nd due Ladder Co. would probably be either L-26 or L-23. There are no stations even close to that area as it was when E12 was at Dudley and Blue Hill, L-4 was on Dudley at Winslow and E-43 and L-20 were on Mass. Ave. Box 1726 was the FURTHEST E-21 traveled back then with E12 and E43 fighting to be first due, LOL.

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