Da Chief - Jim O'Neill
  • Male
  • Live Oak FL
  • United States
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  • yoopergirl03
  • Kevin O'Hara Shanley
  • Willie Bermingham
  • Devan Mills
  • Roger Kendrick
  • Sarah Wilson
  • Terry D gammel
  • Todd
  • debbie snacks
  • Paulo Jesus
  • Anthony
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
  • James Chadbourne
  • mike hauch

Da Chief - Jim O'Neill's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Suwannee County Fire Dist., Inc.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Boston Ambulance Squad
Boston EMS
Falmouth Fire Rescue (FL)
Columbia County (FL) 911
My Training:
Well here is some EM Training...

Emergency Management Training & Experience
09/05 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, U.S. Fire Administration, Community Relations Training, Atlanta, GA for Hurricane Katrina.

09/05 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Community Relations Advisor, Baton Rouge, LA

09/05 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Special Operations, Task Force 83, New Orleans, LA

11/05 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Disaster Housing Operations, New Orleans, LA ( assigned to Plaquemines Parish)

04/06 - Emergency Management Institute (EMI), IS-100FW Introduction to Incident Command System Course (Fire)

04/06 - EMI, IS-200FW Basic Incident Command System Course (Fire)

04/06 - EMI, IS-700 National Incident Management Course

04/06 - EMI, IS-800 Intro to the National Response Plan

04/06 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Surge Training, Orlando, FL

09/06 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Recertification Advisor, Plaquemines Parish, LA

10/06 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA, Individual Assistance Boot Camp (1 week), Lake Charles, LA

10/06 - Dept. Of Homeland Security, FEMA-Inspector, Lake Charles,LA

Other courses taken through the Emergency Management Institute and Nat’l Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, MD include:
Q-318 - FIRE Service Supervision
L-282 - Community Relations Deployment
IS-001 - Emergency Program Manager
IS-003 - Radiological Emergency Management
IS-005 - Intro. To Hazardous Materials
IS-015 - Special Events Contingency Planning
IS-055 - Households Hazardous Materials
IS-100 - Incident Command System, Intro.
IS-111 - Livestock in Disasters
IS-120 - Orientation to Community Disaster Exercises
IS-200 - Basic Incident Command System
IS-208 - State Disaster Management
IS-230 - Principles of Emergency Management
IS-235 - Emergency Planning
IS-240 - Leadership and Influence
IS-241 - Decision Making & Problem Solving
IS-242 - Effective Communications
IS-244 - Developing & Managing Volunteers
IS-250 - External Affairs-ESF15
IS-292 - Disaster Basics
IS-301 - Radiological Emergency Response Operations
IS-302 - Modular Emergency Radiological
IS-317 - Intro. To Community Emergency Response Teams
IS-340 - Hazardous Materials Prevention
IS-546 - Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
IS-547 - Intro. To Continuity of Operations
IS-630 - Intro. To the Public Assistance Process
IS-631 - Public Assistance Operations 1
IS-701 - NIMS Multi-Agency Coordination System
IS-702 - NIMS Public Information Systems
IS-703 - NIMS Resource Management
IS-706 - NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid
IS-1900 - Federal Coordination Ctr. Operations Course
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I enjoyed buffing, sparking as we call it in Boston, became a member of the Boston Ambulance Squad and the rest is history, ANCIENT HISTORY.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The Brotherhood. It's real.
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Da Chief - Jim O'Neill's Blog

Sister Needs Help

Posted on May 15, 2008 at 4:13am 1 Comment

Hello fellow FFN Brothers and Sisters,

i didn't really know how to send this so I decided to use the "blog". This sister, Stephanie Smith, one of my friends, needs some help in winning a contest. If you would go to the link below and vote for her I would be greatly appreciative. If you would pass this on and ask YOUR friends to vote I will, well, never mind. Vote for photo #30 - P1, etc.... I thank you in advance and Steph thanks you as well. Stay safe out there… Continue

Time for Da Chief to vent...

Posted on March 8, 2008 at 11:01am 1 Comment

...and I don't mean a building. I got the following excerpt in an e-mail from the US Fire Administration and frankly, it pissed me off. It's regarding LODD's and that is a very strong subject with me. Here is the quote from the e-mail and my vent. I hope this helps some of you out there.

To date, 28 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2008 as a result of incidents that occurred in 2008. USFA does not have a Line-of-Duty-Death (LODD) criterion nor does it… Continue

Firefighters Have the Sexiest Job

Posted on February 28, 2008 at 7:31am 4 Comments

BOSTON (WBZ) ― Firefighters everywhere, rejoice. You have the sexiest job title, according to a survey conducted by Salary.com.

The survey's participants chose firefighters because of their "ability to stare down danger, maintain top physical fitness and demonstrate compassion for others."

"One of the most refreshing aspects of our fun and informal survey is the high value consumers put on the job titles of firefighter's, nurse's, surgeon's and soldiers, where individual's… Continue

Gods Country

Posted on February 27, 2008 at 3:18pm 0 Comments


A man in Topeka , Kansas decided to write a book about Churches around the country. He started by flying to San Francisco and started working east from there.

Going to a very large church, he began taking photographs and making notes. He spotted a golden telephone on the vestibule wall and was intrigued with a sign, which read 'Calls: $10,000 a minute.'

Seeking out the pastor he asked about the phone and the sign. The pastor answered that… Continue

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At 6:07pm on April 10, 2009, Leszek Borlik said…
Hello and remember me to Boston!
At 11:52pm on November 30, 2008, Joseph Minehan said…
Hey Jim,
Joe Minehan here.
Hows life in sunny FLA?
I worked with Doc Kinneally last week, he said to say hello and to have you stop and see him next time you are this way.
At 10:36pm on August 21, 2008, Donna said…
At 1:15am on August 21, 2008, FireCat said…
At 8:26am on August 7, 2008, Paulo Jesus said…
Hello from Portugal

My name's Paulo, I live in Oporto (the 2nd biggest portuguese city). I'm Fire Chief and the President of the Portuguese Volunteers Firefighters Association.
I hope we can exchange knowladge and become good friends. Who knows one day we'll meet.
Keep in touch.

My MSN contact: PauloFlyboy@hotmail.com
At 9:57pm on July 28, 2008, Mick Mayers said…
I was reading your post on the Chief Officer's group and saw two things: Is Suwannee County the county by Crystal River? I dove in the Suwannee River but I'm sure that traverses quite a bit of land down there. I just like the area and have done many dives down that way (no caverns though).

I also saw you were the next parish over from us post-Katrina. I took SC-TF1 into St. Tammany then over to St. Bernard that first week. I know what you mean about wholesale destruction.

Anyway, good to meet ya and see you on FFN.
At 10:12pm on July 3, 2008, FireCat said…
At 12:21pm on June 11, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Hi Jim, Thought I'd see if you were interested in sharing information and photos. I'm not familiar at all with Boston FD but would love to have the chance to get to know more from you.

My specialties include hazmat response, mass decon, fire prevention, wildland / urban interface firefighting, etc. I'm getting closer to retirement and am enjoying getting to know folks around the world, with the goal of someday doing some traveling to visit friends.

From your FFN site, it sounds like Irish music, which tells me that you might be Irish? I'm thinking Boston FD and all... My mothers side of the family came from County Cork and someday, I'm looking forward to visiting Ireland and seeing my roots. Eastern Fire Departments have such a warm tradition when it comes to ancestory and the fire service. All very cool.

If you have access to Google Earth, here's where I am located below. Take care and stay safe brother. Mike

Fire Station 18 GPS Coordinates
34° 28’ 35.80” N
120° 12’52.28” W

Home GPS Coordinates:
34° 37’ 23.36” N
120° 12’25.01” W
At 3:59pm on June 4, 2008, Brad Duncan said…
just dropping in to say hi end how is everything going there ples take care
At 12:15pm on June 3, 2008, Kirk said…
Hey Chief, how are things going up your way. Well down here, its hot and gtting hotter. Lack of rain and high winds, cause`s for a long day. I have a question for you, Is there any way that you might by chance know how we can get or come across any LDH 4" or 5" hose with out going through a grant prosess? I`ve contacted many Departments around our area and no one has any or has no idea how to get any with out buying it themselves or through a grant.Our budget is to low for us to buy ny right no, so I`m trying different ways tohelp save money on cost. If you have any ideas please feel free to contact me @ 337-238-1692 or just drop me a line on here. Thank you for your time and efferts on helping us out. Capt.Duhon

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