OK, I was going to leave the end of the title off but didn’t want to lead anyone here under false pretense, besides I may miss my target audience.
As I sit here early this morning, checked the weather, web and window, looked at the calendar, surfed the net for the latest sighting report….everything points to now is the time, at least in this neck of the woods. Morel mushrooms…those tasty little timber treats that are so very elusive, why do I go hunting them? First off its spring and I haven’t worked since November so there’s that money thing, but being self employed…the boss says I can go. Then there’s the pressure, what if I don’t find any or worse a couple, sorry Art, Wayne, Jeff but in this venture I come first. So I drive, the wrong way out of town, to fool the followers and not give up my secret spot, travel up to 30miles wasting gas and park nowhere near where I’m going to hunt. I’ve been lucky and found them as I stepped out of the truck, have even spotted them from the window as I drive down the road but more time than not you walk, maybe as much as 10miles s..l..o..w..l..y through some of the worst terrain you can imagine usually end up bleeding, and all for what…if you don’t know, then you don’t like them or never eating them, it’s one of my passions. These little delicacies are available for but a short time, maybe 2 weeks, some say longer but the timber floor grows fast and I don’t like digging through poison ivy, multiflower rows and the ticks get real bad. I could do this a business venture, they sell for as much as $15 a pound, but between my family and friends and me I’d go broke. Then there’s the health issues, eggs, butter(real) and frying, thank god you only find them for a short time, forgo the cholesterol check during this period. Now that I have worked myself into a frenzy, I’ll wake the kid up and go…..dam it’s raining, oh-well that what’s makes them grow, maybe tomorrow.
I have 2 questions to end this; why do I do it? You tell me, and have you found any yet??? Happy hunting.

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Comment by Trainer on April 27, 2009 at 2:45pm

Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 27, 2009 at 1:38pm
Take your golf clubs and get a twofer out of it.
I lost one yesterday and found a place where I know in a day or two, they will be up.
And I will be there ready to pounce.
Got you something from FDIC.
What you got for me?
Comment by Trainer on April 26, 2009 at 4:07pm
No to turkey hunting, but several do as you can only hunt till I believe 10am, then they look for shrooms. Dekalb is only 4 counties over; since I do a lot of work for farmers and large landowners, having a place to go is not a problem and your right…don’t trespass. Last year they opened up state parks for this activity and have given a lot of city folk a place to hunt.
Comment by Ben Waller on April 26, 2009 at 12:50pm
Gotcha...can I have fries with those ethics...I mean morels?
Comment by Trainer on April 26, 2009 at 12:33pm
Ha ha Ben, made me triple check my spelling and to answer your question…no, unless you find an overabundance then you share with the unfortunate.
Comment by Ben Waller on April 26, 2009 at 11:43am
Is there a set of ethics that go with the morels?

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