What a weekend, no fires but a few calls to say the least. Started out on the medic on Friday, all of our calls were spaced out just enough to not get any sleep that night, and only one call was a no removal. The other good thing was there were no ALS calls. At 6am I was off duty on our medic and on duty for the engine all the rest of the weekend. got home laid down and immeadiatly got toned for an illness medic assist. The rest of the day was routine. another illness medic assist and an odor investigation and a couple of MVA's. Yesterday it slowed down, and I at least got to see the NASCAR race YAY. I was also able to spend some quality time with my wife while sitting around on Sunday. She is a big support and knows that we have plenty of time in between fire calls. Probably couldn't do this if she wasn't that way. Tonight we have Standing Orders testing for medic training (fun) but necessary to continue being on the medic crew.
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