  • Male
  • Phillipsburg, OH
  • United States
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Rob's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer, Fire / Arson Investigator, Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS), Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
18 (Counting cadet and doing the job)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jefferson Twp. F.D.
Years With Department/Agency
5+ (5 before and just went back 10/2008)
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Greene County Rescue (Cadet 1990-1992), Box 21 Rescue (1994-1997), Kettering Fire Dept. (2000-2001), Jefferson Twp. Fire Dept. (2000-2005) and Phillipsburg Fire Dept. (2005-1/9/2009). On the legal side Montgomery County Sherrif's Office (Explorer 1990-1993 and Traffic Services Volunteer 1995-1996), Wright State Police 2000-2003, Montgomery County Common Pleas Court 2003-current.
My Training:
Ohio Lvl II FF, EMT-I, CFSI, Fire Inst., Investigator, Safety Officer, and a laundry list of other T-T-T courses and other certificate courses (been to Ohio Fire Academy so many time I have been confused for staff by other staff members).
About Me:
I started as a cadet at Greene County Rescue back in 1990 and was hooked. I have "tried" to get out a couple times, but not happening. Got to do it. Can't find any replacement for the feeling when you jump off the couch to go save a house or save a life.

When I am not working (when does that happen) I enjoy going to Cowan Lake or Caesar's Creek and doing some Crappie fishing! Would someone tell the Muskie in Cowan to lay off the Crappie for a couple seasons?
Day Job:
Intake Desk
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I can't get it out of my blood! I love the job and always have since watching reruns of Emergency when I was 4 years old!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Where else can you go to work, break down someone's door, and get thanked for it!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The money grubbing political types not giving us the needed resources and funding to do the job safe and the idiots in our society that hinder the safety of all our brothers and sisters in so many ways (failing to yield, setting fires, and the list goes on).

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Rob's Blog

What a day!

Posted on February 7, 2009 at 2:38am 3 Comments

You know it is going to be a screwed up day when you are working midnight shift at your full time job, thus sleeping at 3:00 PM and the tones drop for a structure fire. I hit the road figuring it is gonna be the typical FA we get in the daytime because all of our cookers come at night...WRONG! First engine marks on scene with heavy smoke showing so of course it is now go time. I was a bit delayed anyway since I had to grab my work clothes since I knew if it was a worker I was gonna be taking a… Continue

Life in today's volunteer fire service...

Posted on December 29, 2008 at 3:37am 1 Comment

I see a continuing trend today of departments trying to phase out volunteers to "improve services". This is B.S.! This is B.S. because at the same time you see departments cutting budgets and laying off firefighters or just not filling open positions to save the same money they spent to hire folks and phase out the volunteers. I will agree, most volunteer departments have longer response times than a full time or a part time staffed department, but to what benefit when due to budget cuts you… Continue

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At 8:15pm on March 17, 2009, Daniele said…
LOL thanks! Our area tends to be relativly quiet but we've been a bit on the busier side lately!
At 3:23pm on February 15, 2009, Rachael said…
Thanks for the friends request! Have a great weekend! and stay safe!!!
At 11:34am on January 31, 2009, Ben Stoll said…
your preaching to the chior.... i dont have any good pics besides this one and another... but i do have a friend who is a professional phtographer...think of an idea and ill try it..... this pic is about 3 months old HA
At 4:04pm on January 28, 2009, jeffklein said…
Ah, so closer when I take I 70 to FDIC
At 9:46am on January 24, 2009, jeffklein said…
Rob, thanks for the add. Looks like your are in the Cinci area, am I right? My wife's sister lives there, I'll let you know when I get down there. Jeff
At 9:12am on January 22, 2009, Julie said…
Haha yep Capt. Swick watchin over me. Is was extrication day in my Level I class. The only pics of FF related stuff on my computer. =D
At 10:00am on January 12, 2009, Scott said…
Hey Rob! Thanks for the add. Be safe out there!
At 10:04am on January 9, 2009, Jennica Stout said…
Hi Rob, nice to meet you...probably passed each other a time or too:^) Stay warm and take care...
At 9:00am on December 19, 2008, John said…
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