"An Editorial Comment By: B.A. Ellis..."

Upon careful review of the newspaper last evening, I noted that there were no less than twenty obituaries listed therein. That in and of it's self is of no reason to be a major concern to me, in that, I knew none of these persons who were listed there as having died. What does concern me though, is that I am beginning to sense a pattern developing, A pattern that I find to be quite a bit distirbing in the grand scheme of things! When one stops to consider that it is a fact that people die every day, and have died for as long as there has been life as we know it, But what I see as disturbing in the bigger picture, is that the pattern I referred to momentarily ago, is clear and quite alarming when one stops to take note of the irrefutable and undisputable fact, that each and every single day in newspapers all across our great land, peolpe are dying, and worse still than the fact that people are dying, Is that these people are all dying in alphabetical order!!! It is true! Grab any newspaper on any given day from anywhere in the country and you will soon see the pattern right before your very own eyes.... Personally, I suspect a variety of reasons for these alphabetically ordered deaths... But what??? And I shudder at the very thought and possibility... But what if the newspaper industry it's self is behind this whole sordid affair? What if there are deadly toxins in poor quality printing ink used to print the newspapers that are killing folks off so as, they are dropping like flys and doing so in alphabetical order?? Is this what our world is coming to? Who knows? and Who cares? Well, I suppose perhaps, the people who are dying might care, and you or I might care depending on any given day and as to where in the alphabetical order our names fall in the spectrum... If sandwiched in between "Dilbert Dibblefish", and "Felicia Flibbergibitz", I "Edmundo Elezar", suddenly wake up (or do not wake up, depending on how death in fact really works...) one fine morning, to find myself listed in the days obituary column, and find that I have died alphabetically! It is something to cause one to pause and reflect. As for no matter what our name is from "A" to "Z", we're all dying from the first moment we are born. Some of us just take our whole lives to get it done!

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Comment by Paul Everson on May 14, 2009 at 8:14am
Do you find yourself reading the obituaries to do a quality control check..."Lets see if I recognize a past paitent" or if you see one your first thought is.."Our call volume has just taken a big hit!"

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