"It Must Have Been Angels" By: B.A. Ellis

"It Must Have Been Angels"

Well, it must of been angels, whispering, softly to me like the wind,
That woke me up in the middle of the night, to pray for you my friend,
Heaven must have seen, felt the painful struggle you're going through,
And sent messengers to wake the faithful, to reach out to pray for you.

It must have been angels, nudging my heart, to be sensitive to your plight,
That called me to pray for needs unknown, to help you with the fight,
God knows, how many times others prayed for me, as the raging waves churned,
Covering me with heartfelt prayer, as trial's flames, round me burned.

It must have been angels, opening my eyes, helping me to see your pain,
That you needed words of hope from one who's known, and felt the same strain,
Who could tell you, tomorrow, better will be, and to hold you while you cried,
And to pray with you, and stand with you, faitfully, side by side.

It must have been angels, leading me to reach out to you in love,
It must have been planned beyond all doubt, by our Father up above,
Who sent angels with a message, to comfort and see you through,
Allowing me to be used of Him, to carry these words to you.

It must have been angels, causing our lives to intersect so perfectly today,
To help bless a heart, or meet a need in God's perfect time and way,
To turn a dark frown upside down, boost someone's faith to carry on,
Angels sent by God, unseen, but never gone.

It must have been angels, that let me hear the sobs of a child crying alone,
That spoke to my heart of urgent needs, that otherwise I'd never have known,
It must have been angels, leading me through all the twists and turns in life, on all the paths i've roamed,
And now as this life ebbs, and I face my final rest, It will be angels that lead me home.

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