Hello everyone,

Yesterday my son's school called for me to come and get him. His temp was 101.5 by forehead, he was throwing up and complaining of aches. My son doesn't complain. Especially since T-ball practice is this week.
So, off we went to the Pediatrician. He has a viral infection. No, we do not test for Swine flu. yes, he has all the symptoms, but we do not test for Swine, just the CDC does that, and we'd have to wait for them to show up, and he'd be hospitalized, blah blah blah...
I can tell you that my 6 year old NICU graduate with the consitant fever and complaints was up all night. I know he is a tough little kid, I watched him fight for and win his life back when he was 2 days old.
I know he is fighting this, and I am certain it is viral.
My point is simple. The indicators the CDC have for this flu are the same ones for every flu. My conclusion is that either this is a politically motivated campaign or they (CDC) need to refine the indicators.
That may just stop the hysteria.

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Comment by jgirl0809 on April 30, 2009 at 2:43pm
piggy backing acetomenophen and ibuprophen. fever is hovering at 100.9 with meds on board. Keeps him cool enough to sleep and drink. he has a dry cough now, not sure what that is all about. Anyway, gonna let him go over night with no meds and get a true temp reading in the a.m. I will post it to you to see if you think I ought to bring him back in to St Francis tomorrow.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on April 30, 2009 at 2:33pm
You could check with your "Bud" "Ronald" and see what he thinks......LOL....on a serious note as long as he doesn't get dehydrated or his fever remains in check he should be fine.....lay in a good supply of Childrens "tylenol" or pediatric Ibuprofen......
Comment by jgirl0809 on April 30, 2009 at 2:28pm
i think it was a squash tactic. He seems to be better this afternoon, no asthma attack, no throwing up. I am happy.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on April 30, 2009 at 2:19pm
Yes, amd I really don't understand the reluctance to testing him....it isn't expensive....maybe they just don't want it out for the public to see that there is someone in the neighborhood with a possible case.....Call your Public Health Department and voice your concerns....they also do the testing...
Comment by jgirl0809 on April 30, 2009 at 2:01pm
he's doing well with pedia pops and had a bit to eat, bread mostly. And I was hoping you would respond to get a professional point of view. Do you see my point though?
Comment by Paul Montpetit on April 30, 2009 at 1:52pm
Any Doctors office or the local hospital can test for swine flu...it is the same swab used for any flu...then they forward it (on ice) to the CDC lab in Atlanta...all it is is a nasal swab and a throat swab...takes all of about 3 minutes...problem is we also have the seasonal flu going arouns as well.....get him tested and on reliflu or tamaflu....push fluids and keep him isolated or wearing a mask around others for about 5 days....Hope he is better soon.....Paul

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