  • Female
  • Highland, NY
  • United States
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
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About Me:
single mom with two kids
Day Job:
finance manager
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
One of my best friends is a career firefighter. He happens to be my hero and a hero in his work. After years of wishing I could also be on the job helping people, I decided to just do it. I look forward to the job, and I hope I make my friend proud, as it is because of him I have become passionate about it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
it's all in or nothing... my kinda thing

Jgirl0809's Blog

Red Knights Chapter 13

Posted on August 9, 2009 at 6:51pm 0 Comments

Saturday, August 8, 2009, the day before my 17th 29th birthday, my boyfriend and I rode up to the Catskills with his Red Knights chapter, 13.

I met and immediately liked these guys. First of all, they are all firefighters, so I know they are awesome, but I had an oppurtunity to meet them and hang out with the club.

The ride for me began in Mahopac. We travelled the Taconic up past Lake Taghkonic to a quaint little diner, then on to East Durham. We ended up in an older but… Continue

To Swine or not to Swine..

Posted on April 30, 2009 at 10:04am 6 Comments

Hello everyone,

Yesterday my son's school called for me to come and get him. His temp was 101.5 by forehead, he was throwing up and complaining of aches. My son doesn't complain. Especially since T-ball practice is this week.

So, off we went to the Pediatrician. He has a viral infection. No, we do not test for Swine flu. yes, he has all the symptoms, but we do not test for Swine, just the CDC does that, and we'd have to wait for them to show up, and he'd be hospitalized, blah… Continue

Firefighters on Harleys

Posted on April 18, 2009 at 7:42pm 4 Comments

What a beautiful day here in New York for a ride...

I was at work today, and as I was showing a truck to a customer, I hear this roar.. I turn around and down the road past our dealership comes about 20 Harleys. This is nothing new to my area, as Moroney Cycle and Orange County Choppers are right down the road, and many rides start at those two locations. This ride was a bit different for me, these riders had the FF club patch on their jackets. This is the first time I have seen this club,… Continue

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At 3:04pm on July 18, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
Good for you...I haven't had much time on the bike...weather here has been rotten...rained almost all summer so far....But, Maybe this week...been busy at the Department though....good to be busy....keeps me out of trouble....Take care.....Paul
At 7:19pm on July 5, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
awesome....let me know what and when....Some of the local colleges have a motor cycle safety course ..it is pretty intense but well worth it...Nothing like putting something exciting between your legs.....LOL......Paul
At 10:32am on July 5, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
Montour Falls....silly...that's where the State Fire Academy is.....Many, many courses there......LOL
At 9:07pm on June 26, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
Seemed like the thing to do....LOL Sort of like climbing a mountain...it is there so why not...? Have 1 class left and then the final.....Hmmm...wonder what Montour Falls has on their schedule for classes......?? LOL
At 5:49pm on June 26, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
Cool, good to hear....Currently in a Pump-Ops class...other than that pretty boring.....
At 3:48pm on June 25, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
Lake George was last year...this year Chief's show was at Turning Stone......And yes, I went...not as good as last year in my opinion....How's my favorite "probie"..? LOL
At 11:25am on June 25, 2009, Paul Montpetit said…
what is happening....you never told me about going to Oswego.....missed you.......Paul

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