Saturday, August 8, 2009, the day before my 17th 29th birthday, my boyfriend and I rode up to the Catskills with his Red Knights chapter, 13.
I met and immediately liked these guys. First of all, they are all firefighters, so I know they are awesome, but I had an oppurtunity to meet them and hang out with the club.
The ride for me began in Mahopac. We travelled the Taconic up past Lake Taghkonic to a quaint little diner, then on to East Durham. We ended up in an older but full-of-personality Catskill resort for a Red Knights Barbeque. I believe it was the inaurgural one, and approximately 75 people were there. The food was good, it was great to meet the other chapters, but the coolest thing about the whole experience was riding in a pack. You know you are safe, you know there are always people looking out for you, and as a passenger and only female that day I had the distinct pleasure of being the "den mother" of the day.
I am so happy My boyfriend asked me to go, I am thrilled to have had the experience, and I look forward to many more adventures with the boys.

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