I've been in the fire service for 10 years...Up till now I have only heard stories of stuff like this.
Two days ago I recieved a call of a pile of trash on fire and left unattened. I rode over and spoke with the homeowner. He was a great guy who had a hose out and didn't have a problem with me coming over to check up on his pile. He was there with it. His truck was parked on the side of the house, whoever called it in probly couldn't see his truck. At that point all seemed to be over, he was there with it and there was no problem.
Tonight his wife came to my home and beat on my wall till I came outside. She informed me that she grew up in this town and that I was harassing her. While she went on her rant I called for PD to come out and handle this. She went on to accuse me of harassing her the day of the fire, said my dogs keep her up at night with all their barking (they are inside dogs...if they barked at all at night I would get rid of them!), my boat is an "public discrace"(its on its trailer under its cover next to my house...City rules)...ect. I had to file a police report and have her removed. I also had to request that PD advise her to remain off of my property. She is NEVER to return.
I guess this is the thanks I get for being a small town vol. Don't get me wrong, most of the residents are great. Ohh well, now its ya'lls turn. Has anyone else had this type of problem?
Stay safe out there -Lt. Matt

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Comment by Scott S on January 10, 2009 at 12:47am
You're absolutely right Don. You can never let it affect your thinking or you wouldn't be able to do the job properly. I work in emergency dispatch now and the same rule applies. I deal with jacka**es all day long but I can't take one rude caller and hold that resent for the next caller. My motto is take every call as if it's my first in that way i'm not holding any grudges or resentment. Same I did with firefighting treat every call as if its your first since no call is the same, nor is every victim.
Comment by Don Vuletic on January 9, 2009 at 9:50pm
It dosent matter how hard you try people will be rude and not polite, not always, but sometimes. I've learned to just do my job and ignore the not so friendly rude neighbor. I piss them off more by not paying attention to them. Ya, I'd like to slam them but I remember two things One Someone complained and two its my job to correct the situation. If they don't like me or the FD I could really care less. I am proud of what I am doing and I will not drop to thier level.
Comment by Scott S on January 9, 2009 at 9:31pm
Yea if it weren't for the officer there to step in I think a few of us would've been in trouble with the beer comment. The other problem we had was being a volunteer department living so close to NYC people didn't know what a volunteer FD was. When we'd get called for an alarm or something alot of times I'd show up at the scene in my POV. I'd talk with the owner and they would ask in a rather rude way where is the fire truck. When I explained its a volunteer FD and the apparatus was on the way,they would lose their minds. Welcome to the country!!
Comment by Paul Montpetit on January 9, 2009 at 8:13am
Hmmmm...sounds like someone forgot her medication that day.....As for your your irate homeowner Scott...I would have been in trouble after his "Beer" comment...I would have politely told him..."No, we din't run out of beer, BUT, our resident asshole quit...would you like to take his place..?"....(Never was politically correct...) Stay safe and always remember to keep the faith......Paul
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on January 9, 2009 at 4:43am
I think medical calls can be the worst, its like people know that you will only be there for a few min, and they must get 30 years of hard feelings in that small opening.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on January 9, 2009 at 2:49am
Well, I dont remember too many fires where the homeowner or any neighbors got pissed at us. There are always the few drunk guys having a campfire that get upset when you tell them to put it out but we see most of our problems on EMS calls. Its crazy that some of these people call 911 for whatever reason, then you get to their house, AT THEIR REQUEST, and all they do is bitch at ya for doing your job wrong or taking too long to get there, or being rude to them, etc. I understand that these people are all having bad days when they call 911 and I keep that in my mind so that I can just take the comments with a grain of salt, try and do my job, and wait for the next one.
Comment by Scott S on January 9, 2009 at 12:35am
We got called out to a similar call. Report of small brush fire behind a residence. I showed up found a small pile of logs burning behind the house very obvious that it didn't start itself. I advised the chief and incoming units what we had and that the fire was unattended. We spoke to the owner who played dumb and said he didn't know how it started. We proceeded to put it out with the homeowner complaining about us pulling the brush truck onto his lawn, whick brought the attention of the police department. Once we finished putting it out the neighbor yelled across from his deck to the owner " whats the matter did they run out of beer at the firehouse". Needless to say I was pissed. Unfortunately history of our department was known for alcohol, but that was in the past, you get tired of rude comments like this. He'd be the first person to request the fire department for burnt toast causing smoke in their homes.

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