As everyone knows the law if you are in a fire dept vehicle responding emergency traffic to a call if you have your lights on you much have your siren on.

It is there emergency and plus its our safety.
One of my fellow members stopped me last night responding to a apt fire saying it is a curtious thing that we do
I respect his arguement although I am worried about my safety and my ass getting there and not worried about waking a whole neighborhood up

I was taught this and i will continue to do so

What is yalls opinion

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Comment by greg on October 25, 2009 at 7:38pm
What about dui drivers and deer and....... Our state law says you must use it. Yes it is going to wake people up at o dark 30 but I would rather wake them up than be put to sleep by a drunk driving deer. pun intended.
Comment by Andrew Dalgarno on October 25, 2009 at 5:57pm
I agree with Joe. Around here, most of our calls are on rural gravel roads...very little traffic. We don't use the sirens unless needed.

Of course, if your country/state/province/municipality/county/district/etc has a law/SOG that says different, you better obey it.

Comment by Joe Stoltz on October 25, 2009 at 5:14pm
In New York State the law reads as follows:

1104 Authorized Emergency Vehicles —

(a) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle, when involved in an emergency operation, may exercise the privileges set forth in this section, but subject to the conditions herein stated.

(b) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:

1. Stop, stand or park irrespective of the provisions of this title;
2. Proceed past a steady red signal, a flashing red signal or a stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operations;
3. Exceed the maximum speed limits so long as he does not endanger life or property;
4. Disregard the regulations governing directions of movement or turning in specified directions.

(c) Except for an authorized emergency vehicle operated as a police vehicle, the exemptions herein granted to an authorized emergency vehicle shall apply only when audible signals are sounded from any said vehicle while in motion by bell, horn, siren, electronic device or exhaust whistle as may be reasonably necessary, and when the vehicle is equipped with at least one lighted lamp so that from any direction, under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred feet from such vehicle, at least one red light will be displayed and visible.

The key phrase is in bold: "As may be reasonably necessary".

You have to ask yourself: it's 0300 and there is no traffic on the road. You are responding to an emergency in emergency mode. Is it reasonable to sound the siren when there are no other drivers on the road to hear it?

I say NOT.
Comment by Steve potter on October 25, 2009 at 3:20pm
hey guys in kentucky maybe federal law not sure but if you have on one must have on the other who cares what time of night it is its for you protection and other drivers to let them know your coming

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