Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...May 5, 2011


Have you all wondered what's happened to me?


I am working with no contract like many of you guys have had to do. I totally understand your pain. It's given me an ulcer and anxiety.


However, on a good note, I am seeing consistently that I am worth more and it will be just a matter of time before someone snaps me up and I can dive right into their internet experience.


Give me a laptop and I'm happy. Oh yes and a vacation. Haven't had a PTO day for more than a year and a half.


Love your techi rookie





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Comment by Denise Imperiale on May 16, 2011 at 6:46am
No I'm a volunteer but am working without a work contract in the IT/marketing business. I can't comment about my gear but...
Comment by Michael J. Stipa on May 16, 2011 at 3:12am
Hey Denise, I take it from your post that you are a paid firefighter without a contract? I am a volunteer, and we even have to pay for our own gear repair unless it is more than $50 !! I am glad you think you have what it takes for 'The Job'; until I had a few years experience, and the experienced members and officers constantly helped us and taught us. Hope things continue well for you. By the way, Brian, peeing on a spark plug MAY get you more than work !! Stay safe, brothers and sisters.
Comment by Brian Mackie on May 8, 2011 at 11:01am
Hi Denise. So glad to see you are doing well. I have been out of the loop so to speak, therefore not really knowing what it is you have been doing without a contract. My thoughts are simple.. a contract is great, but a job is better. Truthfully, I would pee on a sparkplug if I thought it would help me get back to work.. any work.. with or without a contract. You have it pretty good.. well it could always be worse right? lol I am reading this on Mother's day, and therefore wishing you especially a very happy Mother's Day.

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