Christina, Kyle, Tiger and Dennis on
their most excellent adventure at the
Buffalo Fire Historical Museum


OK. I admit it.

It was a day at the museum but hey, nobody ever made a movie with the catchy title: "Day at the Museum."

Regardless, we had a great day recently when we visited the Buffalo Fire Historical Museum on William St. near Ogden St. on the city's eastern border with the Town of Cheektowaga.

I was there once before, a very long time ago, but had forgotten just how rich the museum is with placeholders of our heritage. And the best part was, I went with friends.

I dragged along my best friend Chief Denny Allen, my 21-year old niece Christina who is a new firefighter with neighboring Lake Erie Beach; and Kyle, the 9-year old son of another best friend - Chief John Latimore. I'll tell you about Kyle another day but for now, Kyle is a real kid with a great imagination who represents everything good about the neighborhood we grew up in. He's a real stitch and fun to have around. That's why I was glad he accepted our invitation to join us on this most excellent adventure.

We arrived at the museum and were crowded in the main entrance with the 40 or so other folks who apparently had the same idea we did - of spending a cold January day inside a nice warm museum.

Once inside we were warmly greeted by several of the retired firefighters who act as curators and tour guides every Saturday from 10am-4pm.

Read the rest of the story at: and view never-before-seen photos that will either make you laugh - or cry.

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Comment by Steve Kuck on January 27, 2009 at 10:29pm
I can't believe they let "Lt. Radio" on the tiller. Sounds like you guys had a great time! See ya soon.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on January 27, 2009 at 3:03pm
His is the best!

BTW - He's not just a security guard, he's the security supervisor.
Comment by LadyChaplain on January 27, 2009 at 2:58pm
Oh my buddy Kyle... the best security guard the fire service could ask for lol. Great pics on the other site too...
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on January 27, 2009 at 10:20am
This was really cool to read and if I am ever in your neck of the woods I will most definitely check that out. I love seeing how the fire service has changed over the years and the history it self is priceless. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on January 27, 2009 at 9:27am
At the risk of repeating myself....I'll repeat myself:

That's a great story.It's not just about Buffalo's firematic history, or about your history, or even about showing a wide-eyed kid (and ten bucks says Kyle joins the fire service somewhere down the pike) what being a firefighter is all about in a landscape of tradition and antiquities and tales of bravery and's ALL of our stories....and it's beautfully done.

This particular paragraph resonated for me, for personal reasons....I was one of those kids who would run to the curb to watch the engines scream by....and run after them (or pedal if I was lucky enough to be on my Schwinn)until I couldn't keep up any more. No small wonder I ended up where I am.

Thanks Tiger, you just brought me back about 35 years in a handful of paragraphs. I'll be making a stop at that museum during Convention.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on January 27, 2009 at 9:03am
I’ve always wanted to visit this museum, but it never seemed to be open when I was in the area. At the time I think a prior appointment was required. It is definitely on my “things to do” list, though.

I used to have some BFD audio tapes from 1976 including the big Shepard-Morse lumber yard fire on Elmwood Ave. That was 5 alarms plus there were two other, simultaneous 3 alarm fires near the big one. All the work of a serial arsonist who walked along railroad tracks. I don’t think he or she was ever caught. I’ll have to see if I can find those tapes…

Great article, Tiger. Thanks!

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