It seems lately i have seen a lot of females signing up for FFN that have no direct relationship to firefighting. does make me wonder why are they here? looking for a husband or reallly interested in firefighting, ems or police work?
Anyone else get this same feeling?

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Comment by Spanner 122 on November 24, 2008 at 11:39am
Yup! I have the same feeling too and I'm a little more offended by these women then I am by the fact that it's been brought up. some pretend to be interested in firefighting and clearly are here for the male attention... I guess as long as people can tell the difference (and it appears they can), then it's not too bad... I start getting lumped in with them and then I"m pissed!! ;)
Comment by BillySFCVFD on November 24, 2008 at 9:28am

Comment by anne potter on November 24, 2008 at 2:51am
So if went to any of your guys freind list ,you have all been careful to choose the proper female to be a friend and you know she is a fireman ,or ems personel... yea Or maybe her pic was pretty.....
Comment by turk182 on November 23, 2008 at 11:55pm
No matter what their reasons for joining this site are it will have to be up to the web chief to decide if they can stay or not.
Comment by Suz on November 23, 2008 at 11:53pm
Jenny: Thank you for the welcome. FFN does have great discussions, even though I am not yet a FF I find the blogs, posts, etc. very informative (such as, fireground tactics - yes I actually read them :) It's always a good and healthy thing to vent :), so long as it's done respectfully. I resepct and admire each and everyone of you; for the job you do; for what you give selflessly day in and day out. If there are men and women looking and lurking for something else on the website, well hey good luck and best wishes....
Comment by Jenny Holderby on November 23, 2008 at 10:41pm
Michele & Suz, I don't think you are the people Will was questioning. Since both of you actually DO have a relationship to fire fighting. We've already had the HE/SHE discussions. Welcome both of you to FFN. We hope you find this to be an informative place to be. We do have some "discussions" now & then that get a bit heated but we are all here for the same reason. Let me rephrase that, MOST of us are here for the same reason. I'm sure the people Will was speaking about won't bother to comment here.
Comment by Suz on November 23, 2008 at 10:29pm
Joe: Thank you for the compliment, it has come in handy a number of times (lol) and you're right i'm not getting any younger :) . I actually did apply and the testing is in 2 weeks, can hardly wait. On a side note: the 75 men and 3 women that I supervise/train would find it highly amusing (hilarious in fact) that I was on this website to find a boy-friend/husband....
Comment by BillySFCVFD on November 23, 2008 at 10:25pm

Willie was referring to females "that have no direct relationship to firefighting". Since you are a FF that was not directed at you. I'm sure it was just an observation and not gender bashing. TCSS
Comment by Michele Keith on November 23, 2008 at 9:47pm
well that is certainly offending. i have received my firefighter 2 training just like any guy. and i'm not hear looking for a husband or boyfriend. i have even passed the class several "men" couldn't or didn't. so look around a little bit more before speaking.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on November 23, 2008 at 9:30pm
Suz: You appear to be one of the minority of FFNers who are seriously considering joining the fire service. You appear to have the spunk for it.

Why not join today? Put an application in at the nearest VFD and we're sure you will be glad you did. Time's a-wasting gal; git 'er done!

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