I have one blog started. Im starting this one because im a volunteer ems. Ive gotten alot of advice from people on ths site and i trust it i guess because we all have the same interest at heart. I just got a phone call saying my uncle who is 58 was just diagnosed with emphazema. I dnt know much about emphazema at all. I told him as his neice and an ems to please stop smoking. He's like my dad to me. And im affraid im gonna lose him to this one day. I know one day its gona happen but im not sure how to handle it.

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Comment by cassandra vaughn on February 20, 2010 at 1:58pm
Im trying my best to be there for him. He's also epeleptic. So he's in a sence acting like everything is ok. That there is nothing wrong. I saw him go out lastnight to have a cigarette on the porch and i asked him if he was gona quit he said there is not reason for him to quit. At first i was about to get loud but then i realized that he's not gona listen to me and what good is gonna come out of me yelling. Nothing. My dad was never a dad to me, he hasnt been in my life for 14 years. My stepdad things were good at first but then the real him came out and i started to get abused. My uncle has always been there for me. He is my dad in a sence. I cant lose him and its hard for me to comprehend the fact that if he doesnt quit im gonna lose him. Thank you very much Brian and Robert for responding to my post and helping me out some with your words. I greatly appreciate that and im gonna keep trying.
Comment by Brian Mackie on February 20, 2010 at 11:00am
Cassandra, sorry to hear about your uncle. I have a young nephew, and neice with two small kids. I wish she especially would quit, because I know by the time these kids are grown, she will in fact be sick from smoking, and that will be a terrible burden for those kids. As a person waiting for a double lung transplant, (I ever smoked in my life.. but the job got me) it saddens me to know that people will adbuse the delicate organs, knowing that nothing good can come from it. Keep trying to convince him. To me, its never too late to quit..but I also know its not easy for them either. Good luck! I hope you will keep posting how your are doing k.
Comment by Robert Charbonneau on February 20, 2010 at 1:12am
Tell him how you feel about him, how you want him around for as long as possible. And then you have done all you can do, the rest is up to him. Just be there for him if he needs you thats all you can do...
Comment by WestPhilly on February 19, 2010 at 3:51pm
I want to have a face-to-face with the first person to respond to this blog. (Make that the 2nd person.)

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