Im still a probie on the first aid squad. I absolutly love doing it. However at this time i've been placed on medical leave because of seizures leading to my squad coming to pick me up. Im starting this blog to maybe get some tips as to dealing with certain things. It all has to do with medical and i figured who better to ask then those who are more experienced than a probationary. Ive had alot happen to me throughout my life. Recently i started having these attacks. We thought they were seizures til i was in a diner one night with my boyfriend and he had to call 911. It started out as what looked like a diabetic emergency cause im borderline diabetic. Took maybe 2 bites of a wrap i got dizzy so i took my sugar and it was at 233. I tried my hardest to stall my boyfriend from calling 911 till i fell back on the booth unconsious and my whole body shaking. Before i passed out i had started to drink water to get it down and when ellenville rescue tested my sugar it was fine. My boyfriend had told me the medics were pressing on my chest and i was still unresponsive when they got me on the floor they turned me on my side cause i started to vomit while i was still unconsious. When they got me to the hospital i had started to come to and my eyes opend but my breathing was very heavy and rapid. My pulse was escalting. I was there for a while that night when i was diagnosed with severe anxiety attacks. I already have a history of depression and anxiety but it was never that bad until i started getting really stressed out and it would lead to me passed out on the floor shaking and hyperventilating. What i wanted to ask was if anyone had tips as a medic to get me to relax that way when the anxiety comes i dont go into that kind of situation? Ive only been a volunteer for a few months and im still a probie so i dont know that much exactly. The second thing i wanted to bring up is what do you do when you have someone in ur family who has heart disease. She has 2 stents in her heart. She is 60 years old. Now she's complaining alot of having chest pains her left arm going numb and her lips going numb. That to me would be a sign of a possible heart attack or stroke. I try to convince her to go to the hospital but she wont cause she knows they'll send her to albany medical center. So i check her vitals and she'll tell me if she feels that something is seriously wrong and ill give her the asprin which starts to help. That makes me think even with the knowledge that i have as a probationary first aider that its either a heart attack or stroke. With the stroke i know to look for signs such as droopiness in the face if i ask her to smile and she cant, i know to have her extend her arms and she if she can hold them straight i myself have ruled out stroke several times but the fact that i give her asprin and it starts to help says its something with her heart right? I try to keep her calm and i do try very hard to convince her to go to the hospital but how would i know if its a heart attack? Are there any other signs i should look for before i know that i need to make a judgment call and dial 911?

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