Keeping your turnout gear in your POV!!!! Whats the point????????

So I've read a few articles about guys keeping their gear in their POV at all times... I've also talked to a few guys who do exactly that. I always ask them why and never seem to get a clear answer. Lets think about this for a second...

First thing that comes to my mind is what the hell good is your gear gona do you in your POV??? Say you get a call for a structure fire, you respond to the scene in your PV, now what??? You most likely have no tools, you have no water, no partner, no IC, no nothing. Say you go to an MVA in your PV, again what are you going to do??? you have no extrication equipment, most likely no med bag, nothing to really help the pt. Not to mention the fact that you should have the entire road blocked for all MVA's due to the recent amount of FF's killed on MVA scenes from getting hit by passing cars.

Some of the less obvious points that I think of are things like... a full set of new turnout gear is what... somewhere between $1500-2500. Pretty easy for someone to break into your PV and grab it, especially if they know what they are looking for. But wait... you say your gear is concealed in a gearbag so nobody knows what it is. Okay how bout this, I have a gearbag that I used for class and I know how crammed your stuff has to be in there. How much longer is it taking you to get your gear out of that bag and put it on rather then put it on while it is neatly organized in a locker??? Another thing... most of the time my gear is fairly dirty and doesnt smell all that great. Yeah I wash it after a fire if I got dirty but if I just go on an MVA and get a little dirt here and there, I'm not gona mess with washin it and I certainly dont want that dirt and smell in my new truck.

Well what about the Chief you say, I agree with the Chief, asst. chief, batallion chief, etc. having their gear in their vehicle. Why??? Because when they go to a scene, they are running IC. There not going into the stucture, they are not cutting the car. Our chiefs have their own dept. issued Ford Explorers as command vehicles where they keep a set of gear, an SCBA (just in case) a med bag, an AED, things like that.

So other then a high ranking officer, I see no reason for anyone to have their gear in their POV, if anyone can give me one good reason why, I would love to hear it

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Comment by BillySFCVFD on February 6, 2009 at 9:57pm
Funny Joe,

Take a wireless laptop with you and keep us posted while you're trolling for chicks.

My wife and I take our gear home and wouldn't you want to know what happens next. haha TCSS
Comment by lutan1 on February 6, 2009 at 9:54pm
Dustin, after reading your responses on this page I get the feeling that you just aren't seeing or comprehending what's being told.
The experience will come- he's only got 2 years at this stage, according to his profile, but give him time.
Comment by lutan1 on February 6, 2009 at 9:43pm
I have to stop typing now; time to go out looking for some chicks who really dig firemen. Maybe I'll let them wear my helmet. They really like leather boots...
I just spat my lunch on my laptop!!!!! :-)
Comment by Joe Stoltz on February 6, 2009 at 9:37pm
Luke, I thought the same thing, although I didn't look up Dustin's stats. Thanks.

Dustin, after reading your responses on this page I get the feeling that you just aren't seeing or comprehending what's being told. Each department has its own quirks and methods of operating based on history, experience, geography, staffing and population density.

Could it be possible that you're jacked out of shape because YOU can't take your gear home in your POV and cool around with it in the back seat of your car?

Just some food for thought: arriving first on the scene with PPE, before any apparatus, one can do a 360 of the building and look for utilities, means of entry/exit, shut the damper or use an ABC extinguisher on a wood stove or cook stove before the fire gets way out of hand; perform a quick sweep inside the doorway of a house to see if anyone is on the other side of the door; or find the correct location of an incident.

Or, begin CPR on a victim, or establish and maintain an airway on a crash victim; or... Stuff you don't need the big red carnival ride for, in other words.

I have to stop typing now; time to go out looking for some chicks who really dig firemen. Maybe I'll let them wear my helmet. They really like leather boots...
Comment by lutan1 on February 6, 2009 at 1:20pm say you go to 3-4 calls per day...
According to their website, the last stats listed are for 2007 and they got 350 calls, whish isn't quite 3-4 per day....
Comment by Paul Montpetit on February 6, 2009 at 8:39am say you go to 3-4 calls per day...we don't get that number of fire calls...we do get a fair number of ems calls but we usually don't wear turn-outs for them unledd it is MVA...Our area is approximately400 square miles (give or take a bit) and there is no way you are going to get to the station in time to roll with the first responding rig....many times they go by my house to get to the scene....and yes, I can do size up...and I can shut down fuel supplies and yes I can give the responding companies a heads up....and to be honest if there is someone still in there and it isn't too bad yet I might even try and get them I guess it comes down to what is SOG in your sandbox doesn't it..?? Paul
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on February 6, 2009 at 8:20am
Dustin, in my department when we get a call and the rig rolls off the floor it doesn't always have more than just the driver. Like I said and a couple others we don't all live right near the firehouse. On a work day we also don't get a bunch of guys right off the bat. It isn't the old days when bosses let their employees who are firefighters go running out the door to a fire or any other call. Like I said a lot of times I ride with my Deputy Chief (it helps when the Deputy Chief lives in the same house) and he isn't about to drop me off at the firehouse when he is going to the scene. I do understand what your getting at and if my gear is getting washed I do have a second set to use while the first set dries.
Comment by David Gilbert on February 6, 2009 at 7:50am
As a volenteer department all of our Firefighters have full time jobs. It is much easier for them to respond from where they might be without having to go to the department to get their gear.
We have several that are assigned drivers that go to the stastion when the tone sounds. this works very well for our department.
Comment by Allen on February 6, 2009 at 7:45am
Wow, seems like Dustin hit several nerves on this post.
I for one am not against nor for the bunker gear in the POV. Where my problem with this is that if you go POV, Make sure you have some of apparatus in route 1st. There are 2 departments next to mine that love to go POV. Well i can tell you that there has been a couple occasions where EVERYONE went pov and no one thought to go get an Engine, Rescue or anything. Talking about my department laughing our butts off at them when we had to roll to bail them out. 1 occasion was a structure with smoke showing. 14 dang POV and not a single engine. Luckly for them, the mutual aid had their engine AND tanker in route.
I understand why many people go POV and for some it makes since, but for gods sake. Make sure you have somthing but a bunch off goobers on a location wondering who has to pee the most to try and put out a fire.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on February 6, 2009 at 7:03am
Rob I agree with ya buddy, however I think alot of the guys that do carry their gear are trying to do that exact thing, look good for their friends. I've just seen too many guys try and show off their FF status and carrying their gear is just one more way to do so. These are the same guys who cram as many emergency lights on their vehicle as possible, carry their pager when they are on vacation out of state, drop the pick up line "hey, im a FF" to as many girls as they can. Just guys looking for glory if you ask me

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