We had a smoke out in a training tralior and everybody showed up but most of them were standing around talking about nothing. How do I fix this problem any sugestions would be great?

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Comment by Quinton Lejeune on June 24, 2010 at 7:38pm
thank you all for your help..
Comment by Bill Brierton on June 24, 2010 at 10:26am
I think the ideas that were listed were a good start. You (the person who started this) needs to take the iniative. Break the guys down into teams, one is search and rescue, the other is forceable entry, one team is the suppression team, and then have some of them be the RIT team. During one of the sessions have a fire fighter get trapped and see if the RIT team knows what to do.
Comment by Michael Thomasson on June 24, 2010 at 12:35am
invite a close by dept. to come join your training and after everyone has done it, make them race to find a trapped hiding scared kid. best time gets a dinner for two. and put their pic and names in the local paper for a job well done. what do you think?
Comment by Quinton Lejeune on June 23, 2010 at 6:19pm
I'm out of ideas I don't want to give up because if I do and something does happen and something goes wrong I feel I'm to blame....... or am I?
Comment by Brian Mackie on June 23, 2010 at 4:01pm
Something tells me that after they read your rather high opinion of your crew, you might just have more than a motivation problem on your hands. Somehow I am thinking a bit of respect from the leaders might be a good start.. but thats just me sayin...
Comment by Quinton Lejeune on June 23, 2010 at 3:28pm
nothing they act like a bunch of 2 yr old when im gone
Comment by Brian Mackie on June 23, 2010 at 9:36am
Trying to understand here.
While one group of firefighters are in the training trailer, learning and experiencing the scenario, what are the others (waiting their turn) supposed to be doing? Aside from the safety aspects, such as safety officer, command officer, support team, RIT team ( you did have a back up team in place I would assume) It might not be a bad idea to just let the others relax and wait. Giving them tasks to do before going in on their turn, and tiring them out, is not such a good idea. Perhaps you got the impression they were simply not interested in the scenario? Trying to micro-manage the entire team right down to what they are talking about probably would not be too motivating. Like the others said, having outside expertise is not a bad thing. Just make the training as enjoyable and interesting, but more importantly, as safe and as educational as possible. How could anyone NOT be motivated if all that was happening? just asking is all... good luck
Comment by Cory Deaton on June 22, 2010 at 10:37pm
I agree with the Capt. you need to get some instructors in there with a get things done method. My dept has different instructors come from all around the state to help teach different classes. Your officiers should be doing a better job at getting there troops to stop standing around and get to doing something.

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