For the Old Timers: Colonoscopy Awaits You

A while back, Chief Billy Goldfeder wrote a little story in The Secret List urging everyone over 50 to schedule a colonoscopy. He didn’t need to convince me; after my father died of cancer in 2005, I went to the doctor and scheduled a complete physical examination. Doc suggested that I have a colonoscopy, so I resigned myself to the medical profession for the procedure.

I don’t recall that Chief Billy went into details about his experience, so I thought I would share mine for all of you 50+ year-olds out there who are still sitting on the fence. Perhaps it will get a few of you moving, so to speak.

First, a definition: A colonoscopy allows a doctor to look inside the entire large intestine, or colon. Never mind how they do it - you won’t remember anything anyways, but more on this later. The procedure enables the physician to see things such as inflamed tissue, abnormal growths, and ulcers. It is most often used to look for early signs of cancer in the colon and rectum.

Most often the doctor will find polyps, or little growths on the inside of the bowel. It turns out that just about everyone has them. The polyps are painlessly removed during the procedure and sent to a lab for biopsy. What they look for is the type of cells that make up the growth, and classify them as either adenomatous or hyperplastic. The adenomas are the ones to keep an eye on, for they may become cancerous over time.

If your doctor finds the hyperplastic type, you will be put on a 5 to 10 year schedule for follow-up procedures. If you are like me, with the adenomatous type of polyp, the schedule is a ‘scope every three years.

The colonoscopy experience is comprised of a few relatively simple steps.

1. Make the decision. You won’t get any closer to having a colonoscopy until you work this step to completion. At what age should you consider doing it? Good question; the answer is generally 50 years of age for both men AND women. Now, you can pretend or assume everything is OK down there, or worry about it at night. Or, you can schedule one and find out for sure that everything is hunky-dory.

Talk to your primary care physician about it; he or she will recommend a gastroenterologist who will perform the procedure (or “look in” as my doctor calls it.) The doctor’s office will probably even help you with the next step, which is

2. Schedule it. I walked out of my doctor’s office with two dates set up – one for the interview and the other for the procedure. You may have to make the call yourself, but since you have made the decision – get ‘er done.

3. The interview. Prior to the procedure, the GI specialist will obtain a detailed medical history from you including family history, medications, allergies, etc. You may be given the option to watch a video explaining the procedure, risks, side effects, and such things in great detail. You will be given a prescription for a special beverage that will help you “prepare yourself” for the Big Day. They will also give you a detailed set of instructions as to what to eat, what not to eat, when to stop eating, when to start the special stuff, when and where to report on the Big Day, etc.

4. Preparation. As I said, you will be given instructions to follow on prep day, which is the day before the procedure. Example: a light breakfast at 8 AM; take your normal morning (prescribed) medications; clear fluids only, no red or orange beverages that stain the colon, etc. At noon, start drinking the solution that will make your insides “move right along”. The first time I had a procedure, I had to drink Fleet phospho-soda which, when mixed with 8 ounces of water, is without question the most God-awful stuff I will ever ingest.

Today the mixture is called Nu-Litely (I call it Go-lightly) which comes in the form of a gallon size plastic jug with a white substance in the bottom that dissolves when you mix it with water. You fill the jug, shake it and then drink a glass of it every 20 minutes until gone. I would add “or until you puke or can’t drink anymore” to the directions, but that’s just me.

Which reminds me: you need to be home for this, off duty, with a bathroom close at hand. A firm understanding with the other occupants of your residence would not be amiss. From about 2 o’clock on you will begin to NEED that bathroom, without a whole lot of warning. This will persist for some time until you are, uh, well cleaned out. Seatbelt use is optional.

5. The Easy Part. The next morning, you will probably not be very hungry, perhaps because of worries and jitters about Things Yet To Happen. Relax; you are past the hard part. Just make sure you get to the clinic on time with another person who will drive you home after the procedure is done. During the interview they will have warned you repeatedly about this: no driver, no procedure. You will have prepared in vain. This is an absolutely inviolable part of the whole process; you’ll see why shortly.

You’ll go to the outpatient clinic where they’ll make sure you are, in fact, you - by asking name, date of birth, number of black cats and such things a bazillion times. You will be given one of those open-backed hospital gowns to put on; your clothes can be put in a locker in the little cubicle you have been assigned. The friendly nurses will start an intravenous line through which the happy stuff will be administered. Your GI specialist will come in and say hi, and inject some happy stuff into the IV line… thud. You’re asleep.

(I awoke in the middle of my first procedure - they were simultaneously pushing and pulling on me. "What are you doing?" "We're trying to get the probe turned around the bend." I saw an image on a monitor. "Oh, cool..." thud. Sleep.)

Next thing you will know, someone will be talking to you to make sure you’re coming out of the sedative OK. Next, someone will be telling you to get dressed. Next, someone will ask you to get into a wheelchair for transport to the waiting car. Next, you will open your eyes when the driver slams the car door. You will next open your eyes when the car door slams again at home.

You will remember these isolated incidents very clearly, for you will NOT remember anything that happens between them. You will ask the same questions over and over again, for you will neither remember asking the questions or the answers given. The doctor will have come out and explained what was found to your driver, since you won't remember any of it. As I recall, my loving wife informed me I asked about what the doctor said no less than fifteen times before my mind cleared; I recall asking only twice, but not the answers given.

You will also be at peace, partly because of the drugs but also partly because you are now a veteran – you have Done It. You are now free to enjoy whatever foods you have been craving for the past 24 hours. Eat, drink, and be merry… and sleep.

As a footnote, I have my next procedure scheduled for January 2, which is probably the reason I’ve written this blog. Of course, this means that I will be “prepping” on January 1, and watching helplessly (and sipping my Go-lightly) as my family enjoys a great New Years Day repast. But it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 29, 2008 at 10:30am
I have, on many occasions, been accused of doing a "self examination" in this regard.
I figured since my head was already up there, I might as well have a look around.
I go to the doctor twice a year; one for a prescription re-fill and two, for a complete physical, including labs.
I am low risk everything. I have not done a colonoscopy...yet. I say "yet", because I know on my next visit, he is going to recommend it. And I will say "is there a new procedure out yet?"
I would prefer a less laborious pre-conference and less invasive game day, but if there isn't a better way, then, so be it.
It can't be any worse than the numerous boots that I have removed from there over the years.
Good job, Joe.
I can't type standing up.
Comment by lutan1 on December 29, 2008 at 3:15am
From the movie, "Parenthood"

Comment by Phil Ferris on December 29, 2008 at 2:26am
First Joe, I agree with you 100% about the relative ease of having such an important diagnostic exam done that could certainly save your life. Your 5 step process is most interesting and truthful. But....I really must say that Go-Lytely once mixed with water could be used by NASA as some type of propellent fuel for space bound vehicles. After an hour or so after begining to ingest the rocket fuel one falls into a state of mind that I call "fartaphobia." That's're afraid to fart because you just may fill your trowsers with poo and rocket fuel. To avoid this very delicate situation, as Joe mentioned, one does not venture far away from the launch pad that resembles the toilet bowel.
Moving as quickly as you can when pinching your ass cheeks together you move into launch position on the "captain's chair." When that stuff exits your rectum with the force of a polaris missle or even a Saturn 5 rocket, along with associated trapped gas pockets you will hollar out loud, "what the hell is that?" Realizing that you will be using booster and re-entry rockets thoughout the night you, the new astro-nut will not want to leave your place in the command module. (used to be called the bath room)

The most fearful part of this entire experience is the drive to the hospital or clinic the next day. The fear runs rampid that hitting a bump in the road might lead to another missle launch and may start an international incident. You feel like you have purchased some kind of incontinence product to wear under your comfortable, loosly fitting clothes...just in case.
All in all. It's really worth the trip!
Comment by Amber on December 28, 2008 at 10:40pm
I'm only 32 and just had one done. Luckily nothing was found, but I have to agree with what was said about the prep, that's the hardest part. The test itself is painless, and I didn't remember a thing. For my prep I was instructed to use the Fleet phospho-soda, and it by far was the most bathroom inducing agent ever introduced to my body. But, when it was all over, a fellow firefighter picked me up, and gladly drove me to the local diner for the well-needed food that I had been craving for the past day and 1/2. I call that the final stage, the reloading of the body. In all seriousness though, I urge all those who are in the risk categories to see your doctor and follow through with the procedure if they require it. We're always trying to save other's lives, but we also have a responsibility to ourselves to keep as healthy as possible - we owe it to ourselves!
Comment by lutan1 on December 28, 2008 at 3:54pm
This aint only for the old timers, unless 36 is considered old now...Had one only 1 month ago.

You fill the jug, shake it and then drink a glass of it every 20 minutes until gone. I would add “or until you puke or can’t drink anymore” to the directions, but that’s just me.

It's not only you! That is thew most awful drink on the planet, besides a cup of tea!
Comment by Jay Nicholson on December 28, 2008 at 3:49pm
Unfortionatly, there is at least one FFN member who has had colon cancer at 40. It looks like he will be ok but it may still force him out. My dad has/had prostate cancer. Every year now since I was 40 I get a PSA and the one finger salute.
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on December 28, 2008 at 1:27pm
Wow Joe, you said you were going to write about this. Nice job and hopefully people will take care in getting this done to keep themselves healthy. Oh yeah, good luck with the proceedure on the 2nd.... :o)
Comment by Paul Montpetit on December 28, 2008 at 1:20pm
Been there done that....I asked the Doc for a copy for my boss....he looked at me funny then I told him I wanted to prove to my boss 2 things....1st....My head was not up there....and #2 There was no lead in there either.....He didn't see the humor in it....Hmmm...Some people have no sense of humor...Face it folks...age 50 its Colonoscopy is painless, and it just might save your life....Paul
Comment by turk182 on December 28, 2008 at 1:18pm
Joe I have to go threw these every year since I was sixteen years old when I was diagnosed with crohn's disease.

I tried the new prep call meralax with sunny delight did not taste the prep.

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