For the first time I couldnt do my job because the p.t. was a friend.......

This morning at 0915 we had a page for MVA semi vs car. I knew that it was going to be ugly, dispatch had advised 1 pt trapped and it was on a stretch of road where traffic travels at 55+. Opon arrival found .. ALS unit was there before me.......they where calling the pt.........I know this car it belongs to a very close friends 22 year old son........I lift the sheet and confirm my horror.......I could not do it...... I turned IC to my captain to complete the extrication. Once I thought I was immune.............. I guess I am human.

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Comment by Jason F. Anderson on July 9, 2009 at 7:29pm
Good Evening Chief, I can relate somewhat... My very first call, MVA much like yours. It was a classmate of mine from high school...called on scene. My younger sister was supposed to be with him, so you can imagine my fears when pulling up on the scene, I recognized the car. A black, newly restored 65 Mustang. Cars like that, you know are hard to mistake. I had to have one of the other guys make sure that there were not any females in the car before I made my way up to it... I almost quit after that call. It would have been an extremely short career; but I stayed with it. The day I become immune is the day they put me in the ground. Peace to you and your crews...
Comment by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on February 20, 2009 at 7:31pm
Thanks fellas, Today was a better day. I would like to thank the Cunningham Fire Dept. and Mont. Co. Rescue Squad for their help yesterday.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on February 20, 2009 at 3:02am
About six months before I got on my dept. they had a call involving a motorcycle vs car. One of FF's was only about a block away and responded in his PV. Upon arrival, he found that the driver of the motorcycle was his now deceased best friend and longtime member of the dept. Once on scene, our chief had to call for mutual aid because most of the dept. could not bring themselves to do anything on scene. The mood around the station was very somber for a long time and even now, there are times when I see one of our older members looking at the memorial for the downed FF and tearing up a bit. Unfortunatly, I did not know the FF but from what everyone tells me, he was a great guy!!!!

There will be times when we have to face things that we would never want to see in this business. I dont think you can ever be immune to some pt's who for whatever reason, really tug on your heart.
Comment by Jay Nicholson on February 19, 2009 at 10:49pm
IMHO I hope you never become immune. That may sound calloused but if you are immune, you don't care. I am very sorry for your loss chief. I hope you can take advantage of CISM.

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