Palmyra Chief Donaghey's Blog (5)

Tennessee Lawmakers one step forward and two stumbles Backward !!!!

Tennessee has stepped into the 80's by making mandatory minimum training for vols before they can fight fire. The new law as of 6/25/09 mandates minimum training, I personally think its a large step forward but the state has allowed many counties to opt out or disregard the law. I received my first training in Navy but even that wasnt good enough for the state of NY in the late 80s. EF class was a prerequisite to setting foot on a fire engine back then. My fellas are trained in house and are… Continue

Added by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on August 26, 2009 at 12:42am — No Comments

Gone to Far with keeping an eye on Probies?????

I recently changed policies on turnout gear provided to probies. While on probation and in training my probies will have yellow turnout gear instead of the brown turnouts that my trained firefighters use. I am not trying to humiliate the probies, just trying to make them easier to locate on scene by I/C and other personel. I think it might help keep them out of harms way and not be asked to do something over their heads. What do you think???? Would you be offended????

Added by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on March 30, 2009 at 11:23pm — 15 Comments

Power Hawk or Hydro. Extrication Equiptment??

We currently keep a Powerhawk on our Rescue/Pumper but are considering purchasing a good used hydrolic system. The budget restrains us but I hope to expidite our extrication process. Input would be great!!

Added by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on March 18, 2009 at 12:06am — 3 Comments

Clean SCBAs...Does anyone else other than me have a problem????

Seems after a structure fire everything gets packed up, but it seems my guys have a problem making sure that the equiptment used is put back clean & ready to go, and put on the rigs perfectly. dont know if I should lay it on my officers or blast them all at next meeting? ........Hope some of you fellas read this and give me some feed back.

Added by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on March 16, 2009 at 11:32pm — 11 Comments

For the first time I couldnt do my job because the p.t. was a friend.......

This morning at 0915 we had a page for MVA semi vs car. I knew that it was going to be ugly, dispatch had advised 1 pt trapped and it was on a stretch of road where traffic travels at 55+. Opon arrival found .. ALS unit was there before me.......they where calling the pt.........I know this car it belongs to a very close friends 22 year old son........I lift the sheet and confirm my horror.......I could not do it...... I turned IC to my captain to complete the extrication. Once I thought I was… Continue

Added by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on February 19, 2009 at 10:13pm — 4 Comments

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