Note: For some reason, I posted this a few minutes ago and the post disappeared into the blogosphere. If for some reason it pops up in duplicate, someone please point it out (if I haven't seen it) and I'll delete it. Nothing like identical blog entries to ruin your credibility. That should be a warning to some of you out there.

Inspired by the personal blogs of some of you (and seeing that even Webchief has his own personal blog), I have created my own blog, Firehouse Zen, and in addition to some new content, I am copying over some of my blog entries from other areas where I contribute.

Other than the fact that my posts seem to be geting lost in the static by challenging issues like "What Lights Look Better On My POV", I'm more interested in discussing the deeper issues of vision and leadership and I don't choose to compete head-to-head with multiple blog entries.

This is by no means a good-bye letter; in fact, I'll probably post more because I won't be worrying about a catchy first line to lure readers into keeping my blog up there for a little while. My intent is that Firehouse Zen will be more about the essence and issues of leading and motivating and creating change and improvement. I don't have problems with the "popular" issues; they are obviously popular for a reason. I just have different questions and a different vision.

I also wanted to do something different from the "hard" solutions and tactics and the kind of stuff that seems to be what a lot of others are writing about. And I definitely don't want this to be about problems; more like about solutions and ways to encourage thinking and solving for X.

So in a nutshell, I wanted to do something different (I think I said that a few times, so you may be catching on). There's also the possibility of a book in my future, which hasd compelled me to copyright my works and the Firehouse Zen concept, so it was pretty necessary (so I didn't see my ideas later published by Joe Schmoe and I'm left holding an empty word processor).

So for the next few says, expect to see some old stuff you may have seen before, or new stuff I'm hitting as I see some of the old stuff. Hope to see you on my site as well. Have a great holiday.

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Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on November 27, 2008 at 11:39am
Brother Mick -

I just wanted to thank you for writing the intro to my personal blog as well: My sediments exactly. (Imagine the mis-spellings you saved me.)

We'll have to link our blogs to each other, or I'm sure Dave will do that for us.

Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see this new venture.

Stay safe. Train often.
Comment by Jenny Holderby on November 27, 2008 at 12:24am
Ok, you guys lost me with that techno jargon but . . .

Mick, I always enjoy your writing & it does leave room for thought. It also gives me some pretty good quotes when I am giving one of my "pep talks" or other "talks" I might need to have with some folks.
I LIKE your Firehouse Zen and will be an avid reader. (When I have time & remember) Sometimes life goes at warp speed & I find it difficult to keep up @ times, like this week, but reading these forums I can do while am resting on my laurals or having a bout with insomnia. Come to think of it I haven't picked up a novel in a while which used to be my "peaceful" interest. Thanks for the input/insight/forethought . . .

Comment by Firefighter Nation WebChief on November 26, 2008 at 3:08pm
See my other email to you as well in response to your post on my blog ...

On your personal FFN profile page, there's an RSS box at the bottom of the left column (you can move it around later). Just click the 'Add RSS" link and add the RSS feed URL from your blog which I think should be
Comment by Mick Mayers on November 26, 2008 at 2:33pm
Hey, WHAT? (Dave, you lost me on that one! :) What do I need to do to make that happen?)

I know some of you may THINK I know what I'm doing, but it's all just smoke and mirrors.
Comment by Firefighter Nation WebChief on November 26, 2008 at 2:11pm
Hey also be sure to use the RSS feed functionality to pull in your FZ posts onto your FFN profile...
Comment by Joe Stoltz on November 26, 2008 at 1:04pm
This is great, Mick. I have that link in my "Favorites" now and will read up when I have more time. Have a great holiday as well.
Comment by Mick Mayers on November 26, 2008 at 11:58am
And if that's not the best part of it, I'm trying to do this while competing for bandwidth with the Buy Cialis blog entry. Who knew?
Comment by Mick Mayers on November 26, 2008 at 11:46am
In re-reading this, it's apparent I won't be an editor. Hey, but I was typing fast. I'll leave the typos for the sake of entertaining you all.

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