For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and for some, the most exercise we get is walking from the bunk room to the kitchen table. Okay... enough rambling... what are we going to do about it? Well I cant make you get on the treadmill but I have an idea that I hope will inspire. FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!! Wait... is that copyrighted? Oh well... is copyrighted even a word? lol. Okay so heres how it works... Use this blog page to post your starting weight. Come back as often as you like to post your progress. After six months we declare a winner. What do I win you ask???? How bout a healther life and a new body to show off. (Unless the webchief feels like pitching in some cabbage for a shiny new car or something lol.) I can hear it already. "what about you dustin??? are you going to be in the contest too???" As a matter of fact I am!!!! I may not need to lose a whole lot of weight but anyone can always be healther. So... here goes... just got on the scale. My starting weight is 178. One problem I do have is high BP so I'm gona track that too and see if I can bring it down. Starting BP (damn... taking your own bp is not easy lol)... 158/98. Yeah, I told you it was high lol.

Dont be afraid to join the group "fitness for Emergency Services." Theres alot of good people with alot of good ideas there that can help you get started. Also, there is a ton of information online that you can find about losing weight properly and eating healthy so check it out!!! Okay kids... lets get started!!!

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Comment by Rob Cheesman on June 3, 2009 at 3:35pm
that ia gasteric by pass surgery I guess I should edit my stuff a little better lol
Comment by Rob Cheesman on June 3, 2009 at 3:34pm
okay my stgarting weight is 350 lbs but I must tell you something I have hp, diabeties, sleep apena and one June 10th I'm having gasteric by surgery so I hope everyone wishes me good luck and I challenge all of you to make the life change to become healthier and happier.
Comment by Tina M. Warro-Fugman on June 3, 2009 at 9:55am
I'm 5' tall and 1/2 inch (YES it makes a difference!) and I weigh 149. I had lost 20 pounds, then had a hairline fx of my knee in September '08, and have gained it all back. I've been given the ok to begin exercising again. Let's do it! Oh and my BP is usually low - 118/70 or thereabouts. Eating habits have always been good, just lack of exercise. Now I'm short & fat.
Comment by Pam Payson on June 2, 2009 at 7:58am
Hello. I am a FT FF/Medic and have gained 40 pounds since doing shift/rotation work. I am 175 and my goal is 130/135. I was an aerobic instructor and very active, however, like everyone else, consistency with exercise with our types of jobs is practically non-existent. We do not have a gym in our fire station or in our town for that matter. I do P90X but have not been able to maintain the routine daily. I bike a minimum of 10 miles when I go out. I enjoy weight training when I can drive 20 miles to get there. I am strong and have a good endurance. I've been writing everything down that I eat trying to maintain 1800 and I also recently purchased a bodybugg which tracks your calories that you burn. What an eye opener! I have no health problems except stress and the inability to lose weight. I recently read an interesting book by Jillian Michaels from Biggest Losers, and it appears lack of sleep can really screw with all of the hormones that control weight gain/loss etc. not to mention all of the chemicals we consume when we eat packaged and processed foods. It's really a good read. So at 43, I need to make time for me and make my health a on!!
Comment by Mitchell Hooper on June 1, 2009 at 9:23pm
My Starting weight is 188, i want to get to 155lbs.
Comment by Mark -7458 on June 1, 2009 at 7:55pm
I quit Copenhagen 6 months ago to improve my health, the problem is I put on 18 lbs. My goal is 220 lbs. But it will have to wait 1 week, I'm on vacation in the AM and headed to Florida. Good luck to all and be SAFE!!!!
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on June 1, 2009 at 7:06pm
I have thrown down the challenge.
I ain't Julian, but I can be just as feisty.
It's never too late.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on June 1, 2009 at 5:23pm

Man I think thats great.

My wife is now 4 months pregnant and every day I get smaller she gets bigger (in a good way). Last time around I gained along with her and when she downloaded, I didnt. So she went back to her wonerful 4-6 self and I went into 40+ range.

Here's to getting it off and keeping it off!

Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on June 1, 2009 at 1:49pm
Before I lost 90 pounds, my entire family was obese. My seven sisters were all 225 plus.
Since I proved to them that you could lose weight and keep it off, I have 4 of the 7 currently taking steps to lose weight.
In addition to the health benefits, you will look better, feel better, have a better more positive attitude and it will put a purpose back into your life.
I lost my weight with the help of my doctor and his recommendation that I try the South Beach Diet.
I did. It worked and I think Doc is happier for me than I am. He wants me to talk to others about it.
But getting the weight off was the easy part. Keeping it off is work, but it's worth it. When I can walk into the store and buy slacks off the rack; when you go from 2xl shirts to mediums. If you want to hear something funny; I have to buy a new motorcycle helmet. Apparently, my head was "fat" when I bought my helmet and I lost so much weight, my helmet no longer fits. Wife is getting me a new one for Father's Day.
She went on the same diet, because we eat the same things and she went from a size 8-10 down to a 4-6. She eats right and exercises on an elliptical 40 minutes a day. I ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes a day. Plus, I play golf and do a lot of walking in my job, declining the little cushman scooters.
It can be done. I have kept the weight off for 1-1/2 years now.
What I would recommend to anyone wanting to lose significant weight is to: as soon as you drop to a smaller clothing size, get rid of all of your big clothes via garage sale or Salvation Army. Force yourself to stay on the right track.
If you are completely changing your diet like I did: go to the cupboard right now and get rid of EVERYTHING that's not on the list of foods.
If you check out South Beach, you will discover that they include foods that you already like.
I grew up on mashed potatoes and gravy and white bread. The thought of eating it now makes me nauseous.
If I have a beer, it is Bud Select.
Occasional piece of chocolate is dark.
You can get pizza with a wheat crust now.
Last time I went to the doctor a few months ago, my BP was 116/68. My chlosterol and triglycerites were fantastic. My weight was 170; down from 260. Waist size went from 42 to 34. No more man boobies. Free weights took care of that.
AND I am a grandpa at age 56.
So, what's your excuse now?
Comment by Kimberly Robinson on June 1, 2009 at 12:52pm
Jennifer, don't be afraid to say it. Whatever it is, you are here wanting to do something for YOU because YOU DESERVE IT....Together we'll get better and stronger and be happier because we took control of the one thing that holds us back from fully participating in life. We're all starting somewhere. For the record, I'm starting at 325.

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