How do you train an engineer? Minimize water usage? Focus on safe pump operations and use all the functions of the apparatus?

Training the engineer usually ends up as nozzleman training, or a wild nozzle because a strap broke on a line that was thought to be secure. A line can be charged when someone is not ready for water.

Usually focus is on the safety of the firefighter on the charged line, The training is interupted, focus is on safety and usually thousands of gallons of water are used. Training is sometimes restricted by limited water supply.

Teach drafting, use of all functions of the apparatus and focus on the new engineer? It's one thing to teach theory it's another to give enough time for the new engineer to pump some real water. I would like to pump clean water, not running the risk of pumping sand, trash or rocks from a lake or pond. We would like to pump two 1-3/4" lines and at least one 2-1/2" line safely, have time for the new engineer to check friction loss, feather valves, set relief valves, check engine functions (eng. temp,oil press, voltage and listen to the pump) flowing at least 1/2 the rated GPM of the pump . We would like to focus on the new engineer not the safety of at least seven nozzleman to handle those lines. I guess we could purchase an $80,000 trailer, then a $35,000 truck to pull it and find some place to store it?

A few rocks from the lake (1/4" in dia. and smaller or sand ) can cause thousands of DOLLARS in pump and valve repairs.

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Comment by Andrew Salinger on October 24, 2010 at 6:14am
For draughting training we have a plastic tank in the yard at the station that we fill with water and then draught from. If you have to draught from a lake we carry strainers that fit over our suction hoses and have a line strainer just inside the suction point on the truck.
What alex has said about the nozzel on fog works very well we do it all the time and all we need is someone who knows what they are doing and the person learning. Or you just open a side delivery or 2.
Comment by Alex Sharp on October 23, 2010 at 2:56pm
This could be an easy fix. Instead of actually having hoses pulled just stick a nozzle on fog right on the discharge. The engineer still has to figure out the proper calculations and water is flowing but you can do this drill with 1 person. This way the drill doesn't turn out to be a nozzleman training. We do this all the time and we don't dirty hose to do it. We still do calculations and and we pretend that different discharges are flowing different lengths and different diameters of hose.

It really works so give it a try

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